
Overcoming Adversity In Patricia Mccormick's 'Sold'

Decent Essays

The Relation of Facing Adversity Through literature, one can sufficiently equip themselves for the possibility of failure. Literature allows the readers to learn from the philosophy of others; therefore, it is a way for people to realize the differences in the world. As literature provides narratives on all aspects of life, it enables spectators to enhance their understanding of the world they live in. Viewers of narratives gain insight into characters' lives, as well as their failures. Viewing these failures allows readers to understand that failure is not a symbol of weakness, but an opportunity to learn and grow. The novel, Sold, by Patricia McCormick teaches readers that hope and resilience help individuals overcome adversity; this influential lesson is reflected in the poems of Maya Angelou, Ha Jin, and …show more content…

The poem’s speaker states, “You may shoot me with your words,/You may cut me with your eyes,/You may kill me with your hatefulness,/But still, like air, I’ll rise” (Angelou 21-24). Lakshmi, the young protagonist of Sold, is forced into a brutal journey through the dark world of human trafficking, yet clings to a serene resolution to regain her freedom. Likewise, the speaker in “Still I Rise” confronts the weight of historical and personal injustices with a powerful declaration of self-worth and determination. The poem’s speaker declares, “Out of the huts of history’s shame/I rise/Up from a past that’s rooted in pain/I rise” (Angelou 29-32). Comparable to Lakshmi, the poem’s speaker encounters hatred and abuse. The audience understands how challenging it is to overcome adversities, yet the poem’s speaker and Lakshmi handle themselves with resilience and grace; continuing, they do not wallow in self-pity, but look at how they can improve their situation. Both works advocate the human capacity to endure and rise above circumstances through inner

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