
Ovania Chemicals Case Study

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6/11/2013 6/11/2013 Job Analysis and Hiring Decisions at Ovania Chemical MBA 509- Section 4 Tahira Khan (1110877) Rajin Haq (1110878) Md. Abdullah Saleh (0730072) Instructor: Dr. M. Nazmul Amin Majumder Job Analysis and Hiring Decisions at Ovania Chemical MBA 509- Section 4 Tahira Khan (1110877) Rajin Haq (1110878) Md. Abdullah Saleh (0730072) Instructor: Dr. M. Nazmul Amin Majumder Table of Contents Introduction 2 Objective 2 Q. 1. How would you go about …show more content…

Based on these information we can also assume that Ovania Chemical was going to create a new position which was previously handled by a System Analyzer. Even though the new position goes with the name System Analyzer, it incorporates such a unique set of know-how that was totally absent not only in previous system analyzer position but also is absent in the industry. For a job of this nature it is pretty logical for a selection committee to go for aptitude or ability as factors for selection rather than skills or knowledge. It is because aptitude indicates how competent a person is to perform a particular task whereas achievement test measures the depth of skills or knowledge a person learned in a particular area. In this particular case where the job requires a complete new combination of know-how, testing the competence of a person on handling tasks of that particular combination is rational. For a job that does not exist, testing the depth of skill or knowledge of a new combination of tasks will not bring any result. The depth of knowledge for this particular job will be developed by on the job or of the job training. That is why selection committee at Ovania Chemical did not include any skills or knowledge in the selection battery. The two year lead time they had to put in place the newly transformed position can be considered as sufficient period to develop knowledge or skills through training. Q. 3. Should the concern for women getting down into

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