
Out Of Home Care Essay

Decent Essays

Action for Social Justice for those Aging-Out of the Care System

There is a need to acknowledge that youth who age-out of the Government care system in British Columbia, at the age of nineteen, are inadequately supported. These children have already undergone much pain and suffering due to abuse, neglect or abandonment by their parents. Many of these children spend years within the care system, often demonstrating emotional, social and behavioral issues, which tends to lead to multiple placements. Many of these youths have various medical diagnosis and demonstrated behaviors caused by the abuse, neglect and abandonment, not only from their family of origin but the multiple placements and dysfunction that they have experienced in their young lives. These issues do not disappear at the age of nineteen. Many of these children and youth reach this age faced with a daunting future, with limited options and resources for support. This is a social injustice, especially when compared to those children who have remained in their family of origin, who on reaching adulthood at age nineteen, continue to be supported emotionally and financially by their parents and extended families. Many youths who age-out of the care system or Out of Home Care, often find themselves abandoned, then lost with little to no support and doomed for …show more content…

I will advocate the need for continued support from the Government to ensure that the needs of these youth are met adequately and effectively until they turn twenty-four years of age. I will clearly demonstrate that although services are provided by the BC government to youth aging-out of the system, many of the youth who come with deeper rooted issues do not have the capacity to enter into training or educational establishments at this time of their lives. In identifying these

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