
Common Themes In Dystopian Movies

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Throughout all four of my dystopian films a strong theme that has been brought to the surface is the idea of ‘individuality is the enemy’. As a dystopian film is an illusion to the perfect society, they go hand in hand. The illusion of a perfect society is typically maintained through the use of corporate bodies and entities. Dystopian films are typical to play on the worst case scenario of a situation, within the four films studied Divergent, Macbeth, V for Vendetta and Mokingjay part 2, the worst case scenario is seen when the government takes control and citizens are under constant supervision or fear for their everyday lives. Within these dystopian themes we can see where directors are drawing on for their inspiration as our world is …show more content…

These are all themes that relate to homicides, people are generally killed when they have more power then someone else or they simply don’t want to deal with the problem anymore. It is in this movie that we see Tris and Four defeat the system, they firstly defeat the system through their manner, the fact that they are able to confront their deepest fears and are able to see through the idea of a perfect society. Divergent’s also work out that you don’t need to be paired with people that share the mutual hate that you have towards another faction in this case. Tris and Four manipulate the system as they can see that the government has split up everyone so that they don’t unite and combine all of their skill sets. This is why we see that the government purposely divides people to stop them from combining their skill sets and becoming more powerful then the government.
This relates to the homicide rate in Chicago in the current world as the year that Tris and Four defeated the system the homicides in real life decreased. Showing that the homicide rate in Chicago was used as a draw point to establish themes throughout the movie. Through the use of editing within Divergent it is established that the relationships between the recruits and each other are civilized, the editing is soft and flows on from once scene to the next, yet the editing between a body of authority and a citizen is harsh, this resembles that power has been withheld over

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