Throughout all four of my dystopian films a strong theme that has been brought to the surface is the idea of ‘individuality is the enemy’. As a dystopian film is an illusion to the perfect society, they go hand in hand. The illusion of a perfect society is typically maintained through the use of corporate bodies and entities. Dystopian films are typical to play on the worst case scenario of a situation, within the four films studied Divergent, Macbeth, V for Vendetta and Mokingjay part 2, the worst case scenario is seen when the government takes control and citizens are under constant supervision or fear for their everyday lives. Within these dystopian themes we can see where directors are drawing on for their inspiration as our world is …show more content…
These are all themes that relate to homicides, people are generally killed when they have more power then someone else or they simply don’t want to deal with the problem anymore. It is in this movie that we see Tris and Four defeat the system, they firstly defeat the system through their manner, the fact that they are able to confront their deepest fears and are able to see through the idea of a perfect society. Divergent’s also work out that you don’t need to be paired with people that share the mutual hate that you have towards another faction in this case. Tris and Four manipulate the system as they can see that the government has split up everyone so that they don’t unite and combine all of their skill sets. This is why we see that the government purposely divides people to stop them from combining their skill sets and becoming more powerful then the government.
This relates to the homicide rate in Chicago in the current world as the year that Tris and Four defeated the system the homicides in real life decreased. Showing that the homicide rate in Chicago was used as a draw point to establish themes throughout the movie. Through the use of editing within Divergent it is established that the relationships between the recruits and each other are civilized, the editing is soft and flows on from once scene to the next, yet the editing between a body of authority and a citizen is harsh, this resembles that power has been withheld over
The trend in dystopian societies is very intriguing and so vivid. Dystopian societies dictate many characteristics as leaders and followers usually one coming out from the shade to lead their small groups to rebel against order. Through, James Dashner literature the maze runner series he greatly displays challenges of the protagonist in a fallen society. He also takes his text to the next level by being able to display hopelessness in a series of challenges, with struggles with fear in courage as the protagonist in the book go through their trenches, long and dangerous journey. Basically the control the dystopian society creates. Since their beginning they all went through the same thing. On pg. 1. “he began his new life standing up, surrounded
Dystopian societies starkly resemble our own. They emphasize the idea that if preventive measures are not taken now, there will be turmoil later. They serve as a reminder that if the weakness and passions of man are pursued, disorder will be fostered.
A dystopia holds the illusion of being a perfect society, however, the reality is far from it. This type of society maintains control through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral or totalitarian measures. It breaks down the impetuous nature of humanity; it is the ultimate assassination of freedom. Literature that depicts dystopias, tend to follow a common archetype. Though similar in its foundation, dystopian literature can take on vastly different forms. This is observable in the novel 1984 by George Orwell, and the movie Divergent by Veronica Roth. The novel and the movie compare as well as differ regarding the aspects of their dystopian characteristics, controls, protagonists and figurative elements. Additionally, they both provide insight into our world today.
A dystopian society, usually illusory, is the reverse of an idyllic utopia: it is generally tyrannical and inhibited. Dystopian societies mirror our future- they are usually a hyperbolic familiar society with satirical exaggeration. This kind of literature is written to amend other people 's idea of the kind of society they should thrive for. As well as that, they are written to express their concerns about the future and humanity. Societies of this nature appear in many works of fiction, predominantly in novels set in a speculative future. Dystopian culture is often mused by societal collapse, dehumanization, poverty, and deprivation.
It is commonplace for individuals to envision a perfect world; a utopian reality in which the world is a paradise, with equality, happiness and ideal perfection. Unfortunately, we live in a dystopian society and our world today is far from perfection. John Savage, from Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, V, from V for Vendetta by James McTeigue and Offred, from The Handmaid’s Tale by Margret Attwood, are all characters in a dystopian society. A dystopia is the vision of a society in which conditions of life are miserable and are characterized by oppression, corruption of government, and abridgement of human rights.
While Tori was sharing the results of the Aptitude Test with Tris, she says, “‘This is different. I don’t mean you shouldn’t share them now; I mean you should never share them with anyone, ever, no matter what happens. Divergence is extremely dangerous. You understand?’” (22-23). This shows how people can’t share their identities as Divergents or the community would find out and most likely eliminate them. The people in the community wouldn’t accept the people who were breaking the flow of how people fit into the society. Instead, Four and Tris use their Divergence to their benefit when the serum used to make them fight the war doesn’t work. Caught trying to fight against them, they are brought into the headquarters of the Erudites and told, “‘You see, it perplexed me that the Divergent were immune to the serum that I developed, so I have been working to remedy that...Luckily I have another batch to test” (428). Since they are immune to the serum already given, and they are not controlled by the Erudites, they have to try to keep the Divergents under control. Tris and Four, fight against the use of the serum, used again, so they can finally try to stop the Erudite’s plan for
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Dystopia is defined as the idea of a society in a repressive and controlled state, often under the guise of being utopian. Dystopian societies feature different kinds of repressive social control methods and various forms of active and passive intimidation. Works about dystopian societies often explore the concept of humans neglecting technology and humans individually and collectively trying to manage or not being able to properly manage with technology that has progressed far more rapidly than anything else. One story that clearly demonstrates this theme of a dystopian society is "Harrison Bergeron", and a form of media that can be compared with it is, the 2005 film V for Vendetta. Both
Dystopian literature holds the capability to present the audience an adverse view of a projected alternate future of society where tyrannical societal control and the illusion of a faultless civilisation are upheld by bureaucratic control, catalysing the responder’s perception between dystopias contrast to a world of their own. George Lucas’ social science fiction film THX1138 (1971) explores the convention of individuality within an overpowering, homogenous society, emphasising contextual values such as identity is futile when faced against suppressive civilisation, and thus such dominant society where exploitation prevails.
There is a reason bookstores are divided by genre; people are drawn to particular stories. While my oldest child reads dystopian fantasies, my youngest enjoys historical non-fiction. These preferences are sometimes innate, other times born from our experiences. The same is true for large audiences and often expands to cultures. The question then becomes, how best to share these stories within the confines put forth by the society?
V for Vendetta is a movie that immediately grasps the viewers attention. It has a tendency to seem twisted and dark. However, after examining the film more closely the themes began to emerge and started to make sense. V for Vendetta seems to align with Plato’s ideals making V’s actions seems less terroristic and begin to shape up to be that of a vigilante.
This theme is present in Catch-22, A Clockwork Orange and A Man For All Seasons. According to Ryan (2014), a dystopia is a society that has been corrupted by basic human flaws and is a location where people live dehumanized and fearful lives. One of the most prominent characteristics of a dystopian society is the presence of a totalitarian dictatorship (Akman, 2013). According to Friedrich and Brzezinski (1965), a totalitarian dictatorship exists when a government exercises absolute control over individuals and enforces a lifestyle onto people that lulls them into obedience. Both the plots of Catch-22 and A Man For All Seasons revolve around the biddings of a totalitarian state.
There is nothing truly more terrifying than conformity in its purest form and George Orwell, the author of 1984, illustrates that point perfectly in his novel which showcases all of his ideas. But what really causes the erasement of the individual and the subsequent rise of the ostensible status quo? Orwell takes the time in his novel to demarcate the many causes that have an acute effect on individuality and how potently a general ‘norm’ can influence a mass of people. Manipulation of the individual and of the masses runs rampant in this dystopian world as mandated activities like Two Minutes Hate serve to distract and confuse the people, as well as organizations like the Anti-sex league and Spies being used as indoctrination centers
A dystopian society is an illusion of a perfect society. Think of a world where having fun isn’t allowed. Nothing that has been created is fun no sports, no computer games, no music and everything in life has a purpose. You are forced to work for the rest of your life a job that the government chose. The government chooses who you are going to marry, where you are going to live and how much you are going to make. However, one person is assigned a job that he enjoyed and is fun. It is so fun that he become the best in the field. He then goes on to become the boss of everybody in that field and starts to boss around the people at the firm. If somebody says something that he does not agree with they get fired. The keys aspect of a dystopian society can either be a control of information, a singularity in power or ruling in fear and the purpose of these stories to the reader is what would happen if we let it run its course?
Over the years, there have been many great movies filmed that have received critical acclaim and awards. Of those movies, the ones that have received the most acclaim and awards are the movies based on praised books. When adapting a book to the big screen, it can be a challenging process because either the viewers love the movies take on the book, or they absolutely hate it. It is important for these movies to have a solid fan base from before the movies release to ensure success. Another factor that is important in success for these movies is doing the book justice in the transfer from paper to the big screen. Book nerds everywhere love and will praise a movie based off their favorite book that is well made. This year, there have been many
The ending of the Divergent series was very controversial. The readers were split into two sides: those who believed Tris's death was realistic, and those who thought it was out of character. The former side accepted Tris's decision to go into the death serum in her brother's place as believable. They thought it was a natural action for Tris, even though Caleb betrayed her. The latter side saw Tris's decision as unbelievable. They didn't believe it was in Tris's nature to walk towards death for someone who stabbed her in the back. Allegiant is a prime example of how a person's decision can bring multiple reactions, good and bad. Roth didn't go the normal route of saving the main character. She made a decision that she knew would never please everyone, so she went with what she believed was