
Our Posthuman Future : Consequences Of The Biotechnology Revolution

Better Essays

For group presentations my group presented the fifth chapter of Francis Fukuyama 's book, Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of The Biotechnology Revolution. Our job, as a group, was to present his chapter on “Genetic Engineering” (72-83). Together we had to explain genetic engineering through the circle of elements from Gerald Nosich, the author of Learning To Think Things Through: A Guide To Critical Thinking Across The Curriculum. Nosich 's circle of elements included point of view, purpose, question at issue, assumptions, implication and consequences, information, concepts, and conclusions (49). Throughout the whole process of creating this presentation together we had to use critical thinking skills in preparing this presentation, …show more content…

Reasoning meant elaborating more on the question for clarity (158). The third part of critical thinking was applied when Fukuyama persuasively declared that new drugs were approved for usage even if manufacturers did not know the effects of it (79). With this information we were able to accurately support our conclusion that making designer babies with unknown side effects is similar to creating new drugs with unknown side effects. By using these steps of critical thinking through most of our presentation we were able to achieve our goal of effectively presenting “Genetic Engineering”. Furthermore, we had to overcome obstacles during the creation of this presentation. How we would display the layout of the presentation became the issue. Instead of critically thinking about what way the presentation would make more sense, I felt like we randomly selected the order of the elements. In this aspect I think I fell short, as an individual, about speaking out on the fact that we should have carefully picked the order. As a group I think we fell short on caring about the order, because our main focus was on getting the information on the PowerPoint slides. The whole

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