
Osteoarthritis Research Paper

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Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the protective cartilage on the ends of your bones wears down over time. Most people don't know they have it because the aches, tenderness, stiffness dont feel like arthritis until x-rays prove it. Just like regular arthritis, it affects the skeletal system. This is because it causes the bones to wear and then become stiff.Primary osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis not resulting from injury or disease, is mostly a result of natural aging of the joint. With aging, the water content of the cartilage increases, and the protein makeup of cartilage degenerates. Eventually, cartilage begins to degenerate by flaking or forming tiny crevasses.Secondary …show more content…

People over 60, usually women are more common to have osteoarthritis. Along with age and gender, obesity, joint injuries, and genetics are the risk factors within this disease. You cannot catch this like a cold, or get it from your significant other it is simply out of random in a way. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease. Obesity causes osteoarthritis by increasing the stress on a joint and therefore on the cartilage that works with the joint. In fact, next to aging, obesity is the most significant risk factor for osteoarthritis of the knees of people. The early development of osteoarthritis of the knees among weight lifters is believed to be in part due to their high body weight. Repeated trauma to joint tissues is believed to lead to early osteoarthritis of the knees in soccer players and army military personnel. Interestingly, studies have not found an increased risk of osteoarthritis in long-distance runners because of the repeated trauma. Treatment is available but you cannot get rid of

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