
Oscar Wao History

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Topic: How does history play a significant role in shaping ideas and themes .

INTRO The book “the brief wondrous life of oscar wao” is set through a multitude of different eras dating back to the 1940s. Commonly placed upon families. Most older generation dominicans believe heavily in the fuku as the time periods also dictates the belief. Thesis:These different time periods shape the way characters sSuch as Oscar and Yunior react to fuku as opposed to someone like La Inca who fully believes and somethingggggggg.

paragraph 1: In the book Oscar Wao history is used throughout the story as different eras shape Oscar and his family members realities. Starting with Abelard his chapter takes place during the 1940s. During his chapter most …show more content…

Abelard tried to keep Trujillo from his daughter. As Trujillo felt like all women in the country were his property. Also Trujillo was highly restrictive of criticism. Abelard happened to be writing a book criticizing Trujillo.which bad mouthed him and he also was accused of bad mouthing in public. In our current generation there are no such restrictions or ways for these to be reasons to execute someone. So Abelard's life and downfall were highlighted by his fear of Trujillo taking his daughter and by Trujillo finding out about his book. Eventually he has a slip up and get arrested by Trujillo even though there was sufficient evidence. Which was also a common theme of that …show more content…

Many of her parents family members and her mom thought this was because of the fuku. That’s partly why Beli was passed around because no one wanted a Dark skinned Dominican baby to take care. Cause fuku belief and prejudice against your own were very real back then. On top of that the school she attended definitely was affected by the time period as just being darker skinned made you and outcast to most of your peers.
Beli could’ve also been considered a free spirit type person which was common in the 60s. Which was also considered a time where hippies were very popular and very discriminated against. Beli just wanted to be free and in trying to gain such freedom it cause her to experience many things a teenage girl shouldn’t go through. Such as in the text she was gotten pregnant but then beaten by the dictator of the country’s sister. This caused her to lose the baby as threat baby would’ve been an embarrassment to Trujillo's sister and would’ve destroyed her

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