
Osama Bin Laden Influence

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In response to growing Western influence in the Middle East, Osama bin Laden formed al-Qaeda, a global militant Sunni Islamist Organization, in 1988. The terrorist activities of this group resulted in the creation of America's Operation Neptune Spear which successfully led to his capture and death in 2011. Osama bin Laden was born on March 10, 1957 to Mohammed bin Laden and Hamida Ghanem. His father was a Saudi millionaire, however, his mother was only a slave to the bin Laden family when Osama was born. In 1962, Saudi Arabia banned all forms of slavery, enabling Osama to become more part of the bin Laden family. In addition, as more U.S. troops began to occupy countries in the Middle East, extremists like bin Laden were infuriated and declared a jihad, or holy war, on the United States. After al-Qaeda was formed and initiated a number of terror attacks against Americans, including the 9/11 acts, the United States launched an operation to eliminate their number one enemy (PBS, 1).
In short, there are two major events that led to Osama bin Laden's terrorist views: the death of his father in 1967, when he was only ten years old. This event brought Osama bin Laden closer …show more content…

After al-Qaeda was formed and the initiation of the 9/11 plans and attacks, bin Laden set an undeniable manhunt upon himself. Despite the warnings, 9/11 was a very unexpected terrorist attack considering that the United States hadn't been attacked on its land in more than half a century. They hadn't seen any blood spilled during war on their own soil since 136 years earlier. It was almost impossible for the United States to be prepared for this attack because it had a very peaceful history overall within its borders for the years leading up to the attacks. However, the U.S. responded correctly, and less than ten years later Navy SEALS captured the man who took thousands of lives, in Operation Neptune

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