
Orthorexia Research Paper

Decent Essays

The article I chose to write about is “Orthorexia: When Eating Healthy Becomes an Unhealthy Obsession” (Getz, 2009, pg. 40). Although this is not considered a recognized disorder it has become more prevalent in recent years. Orthorexia was first names by a Doctor by the name of Steven Bratman that understood that it was related other food disorders. “The whole issue is obsession,” says Bratman. “This is about obsession with eating to improve your health” (Davis, 2000, pg. 1) as with other disorders, it is related to obsessive-compulsive disorder and has more to do with control over their minds and bodies. Children are taught to grow up how their parents were brought up and with the same type of guidelines. How many times have you seen or heard a parent trying to teach their child how to eat healthier by telling them what they are eating is not good for them or imparting their views about food …show more content…

Orthorexia is not about how thin we can be or how little we can consume it is about having control over eating healthy to where it can at times cause disease or death. Parents mean well but in their tendency to teach their children proper nutrition and diet skills they can do more harm than good. Parents need to be aware of the early warning signs or if they think they may have a problem with their children's eating habits. When we have anxiety about what we are eating, then that can be just as harmful to our bodies as cutting out all the foods that considered “wrong”. One of the signs of orthorexia is for the person to start cutting out all unhealthy types of food, which can be very dangerous as our bodies need different kinds of foods and there is a reason for all the types of food and to cut these items out can cause serious health consequences. If you see any warning signs or notice you or someone you know is starting to take eating healthy to an unhealthy level, the best place to look for treatment or therapy is dieticians and counselors dealing with

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