
Orthopedics Personal Statement

Decent Essays

In 2008 Malcolm Gladwell popularized the idea that it takes 10,000 hours of ‘deliberate practice’ to become a master in any field. Although more recently a Princeton study debunked this idea, stating that practice affects certain fields differently than others, the fundamental idea holds true; time is needed to master skills. I spent thousands of hours throughout high school perfecting my athletic abilities to play football which ultimately led to me to a Division 1 program. Even then, although my goals of playing professionally never came to fruition, I understand the amount of effort needed to achieve greatness. When I transitioned from athletics to medicine, not only did I know firsthand the persistence it takes, but I also know that medicine is dynamic. Medicine is a constantly changing field, which I believe is why it is called ‘practicing medicine’. No …show more content…

Throughout my entire medical school career and even during my undergraduate education, I believed I would choose Orthopedics as my specialty choice. Especially having a background in collegiate athletics, I thought Orthopedics was going to be the correct choice for me. But I was wrong. I completed my surgery clerkship along with an orthopedic specialty and it never clicked for me. I never found that spark. I became worried as I never truly enjoyed any of the clerkships I completed. This was true until I entered my Anesthesia rotation. My experience was unlike any of my clerkships and I became instantly hooked. I grilled residents left and right asking them why they went into Anesthesia. Sure enough, some of their stories sounded a lot like mine. One resident described Anesthesia to me as practicing medicine in the operating room. With each patient having their own sets of health problems and comorbidities, no two patients are going to be the same. This diversity in experiences, even amongst the routine cases, keeps the work fresh and

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