
Orthodontic Assistant Essay

Decent Essays

Upon completion of my third and final log check, it is evident that the majority of the experiences I had during this time were very similar to log checks one and two. Due to the fact that my mentor is only an orthodontic assistant and not the doctor herself, her job tends to be very repetitive and limited. Although many of the experiences and troubles were the same, I was able to further and look at each thing orthodontic assistants do more in depth. As I made my way into the third portion of this journey, I found it way more difficult to get myself into the office to shadow. This part of the year typically tends to be be a bit hectic and bit more random for me personally. I also got a new job which meant I had not two but now three schedules to work around. Like the other two periods of shadowing time, I had to work around both my mentor’s availability and my own due to school hours. Now I had to worry about a work schedule as well as the other two previously mentioned. In addition to struggling to find the right time to go into the dentist’s office to shadow, my mentor and her colleagues were also undergoing a big change within their work place. The …show more content…

While this career is very serious and detrimental to the health of a patient, there really is not a lot of training required to acquire this position. The only major thing that the assistants would consider to be challenging is having to take the classes to be able to take and operate an x-ray machine. The fact that there truly isn’t a lot of studying to be done for this career came as a major shock to me. At the same time, the job is very repetitive and only covers a very small variety of skills and topics. The doctor is the one who does all of the challenging aspects and is required to be constantly keeping a watch and checking up on the patients that the assistants work

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