Today on the planet of Earth, there are a vast variety of organisms ranging from large mammals to minuscule bacterial cells. Every species here resides on a sustainable planet with a stable atmosphere, temperature, pressure, and much more. Nevertheless, these sundry organisms could simply not appear without an explanation; prominent events must have altered our planet to producing the first forms before the process of evolution occurred. However, what did commence life? Humans are currently speculating about various, abstract concepts for this controversy. Based on NOVA’s documentary centered around the origins of organisms called Origins: How Life Began, it reveals several ideas which revolutionized this planet billions of years ago. About four point five billion years ago, Earth was a chaotic, fiery planet; meteoroids and comets sent a volley of strikes on Earth. The planet’s atmosphere consisted of toxic substances, and the skies were severely hazy with the sun unable to penetrate the surface of Earth. This period was the “Heavy Bombardment”. Life was unable to secure a presence on Earth with all the discrepancies which essentially prevented growth and evolution. Nonetheless, considering the key components from the documentary, the organisms on Earth began with bacteria when asteroids crashed on this planet. Near the conclusion of the “Heavy …show more content…
From my perspective, I would surmise that organisms arose from the assistance of foreign objects. Without asteroids striking the Earth billions of years ago, biomolecules and the elements of life would cease to exist on this diverse planet. In turn, the numerous species of organisms would have never evolved. Based on the video, Origins: How Life Began, I can produce a respectable possibility to this vital issue. A subject which attempts to reveal the truth for Earth, evolution, and
Secondly, I present to you the “Law” of Biogenesis, which is actually not a law at all. This “Law” states that matter can arise spontaneously from other matter. Some would say that Biogenesis is an existing fact, because of the Miller Urey Experiment. This Experiment, though trying to prove that Biogenesis exists, actually proves exactly the opposite. Miller tries to convey life as a spontaneous event, which formed as the effect of an accidental chemical reaction in the Earth’s atmosphere(Answers). The scientists who conducted this experiment did not use any oxygen to support their replicated atmosphere. Instead they used methane ammonia, even though our earth is supported by oxygen. Although the Miller Urey did
According to Margulis, the pre-eukaryotic cell engulfed an aerobic bacterium, but rather than digest and kill the bacterium, a symbiotic relationship was born. This relationship, the aerobic bacterium provided energy through ATP and the eukaryotic cell provided an environment to live while protecting the new symbiont from harm in environmental factors such as oxygen. Because almost all living eukaryotes have a mitochondria, it is safe to assume that this event happened before plants and animals split in the evolutionary lineage.After this first evolutionary leap came a
Did you know that, at one point, there was no life on Earth? There are many theories for how life began on our planet, Earth; no one knows which theory is true, and humans may never actually know for sure. There is a lot of evidence for each theory, each evidence only as legitimate as you believe it to be. These theories are greatly varied, spanning from life being created in deep sea vents in the oceans to lightning hitting the ground and sending off sparks that form new compounds.
The study of science is defined as that which deals with the workings of the physical world we are able to observe and measure. The origin of life, however, is a topic that science has long grappled with, despite the impossibility of observing or proving any origins theory in a strictly scientific manner. Today, the widely accepted theory of life’s beginning is the theory of Evolution by mutation and natural selection, or Neo-Darwinism. Most people in our modern society accept this theory at face value because it is popular with the majority of scientists, but it must always be taken into account that our origins cannot be proven scientifically and that, in fact, the theory of Evolution is not the only or even the most logical theory
Earth as we all know it's Associate in Nursing improbably complicated and fragile network of interconnected systems that have developed slowly over the last four.5 billion years more or less. From the ashes of the massive Bang, this planet emerged as a mass of energy and components. From that new born mass of energy and components evolved structured, dynamic systems of solids, liquids, and gasses. The evolution of this planet continued to unfold over billions of years in such a novel method that eventually conditions arose with the flexibility to foster life.
When growing up, the world can either take a hold of you or you can take a hold of the world. In this story, we find out about a young Christian teenage girl who life was taking its course on her as she was growing up and she soon found out that she’s the only problem she’ll ever have in this world and she’s the only solution. Krystal Channing was a 15 year old freshman at Stanley High School, located in Fairfax, Virginia. She wasn’t the least of all saints but she did have a pure heart. High School is where life began for Krystal Channing; where life hit her so hard and so quick that the world had completely devoured her without her notice.
Life, it might be argued, is the distinguishing feature of all organisms and may most usefully be thought of as involving various kinds of complex systems of organization providing individual organisms with the ability to make use of those energy sources available to them for both self maintenance and reproduction. Underlying this deceptively persuasive definition, however, lie those persistent traditional problems inherent in the search for an essential, distinctive substance characteristic of all forms of life. Additionally, as evolution theory makes clear, there is the problem of borderline instances, organisms of which it is not easy to say whether or not they may be defined as being alive. One such case
When life arose on Earth about 4 billion years ago, the first types of cells to evolve were prokaryotic cells. For approximately 2 billion years, prokaryotic-type cells were the only form of life on Earth. The oldest known sedimentary rocks found in Greenland are about 3.8 billion years old. The oldest known fossils are prokaryotic cells, 3.5 billion years in age, found in Western Australia and South Africa. The nature of these fossils, and the chemical composition of the rocks in which they are found, indicates that these first cells made use of simple chemical reactions to produce energy for their metabolism and growth. Eukaryotic cells evolved into being between 1.5 and 2 billion years ago. Eukaryotic cells appear to have arisen from prokaryotic cells, specifically out of the archaea. Indeed, there are many similarities in molecular biology of contemporary archaea and eukaryotes. However, the origin of the eukaryotic organelles, specifically chloroplasts and mitochondria, is explained by evolutionary associations between primitive nucleated cells and certain respiratory and photosynthetic bacteria, which led to the development of these organelles and the associated explosion of eukaryotic diversity. Today Prokaryotes
Since time immemorial man has always questioned the origins of life and himself . The answer to that question as there are three alternatives , namely the creation , transformation , or evolutionary biology .
This is another controversial topic that many people have different ideas about. Spontaneous generation was believed to be the origin of life, but Louis Pasteur proved that theory to be wrong with his experiments of microbes. During this time Darwin proposed his theory of evolution. Many people were convinced by this theory and since spontaneous generation was disproved the only choice that was left was that God created life which then evolved. Wright goes on to discuss the properties, from astronomer Hugh Ross, that had to be just perfect for life to be attainable on Earth. There are too many stipulations for life that would just randomly form. One big theory for how life came about is chemical evolution. There is not sufficient data to prove this
In the beginning, impacts of very large objects were very common, some as big as Mars or half the diameter of Earth. Collision of large bodies orbiting Earth played a role in its initial tilt of spin axis, the length of its day, direction of spin, and the thermal state of the interior. This violent bombardment continued for 3.9 billion years. Final composition of Earth had several crucial structural effects. Enough metal was present early on to allow formation of an iron and nickel rich core that is partially liquid. This enables a magnetic field that deflects some harmful radiation from reaching the surface. Enough radioactive elements are also present in the core to maintain long term heating which drives plate tectonics. At 4.5 billion years ago, Earth separated into different layers: an inner core (made of iron and nickel), a land layer of lower density material, and an early atmosphere of carbon dioxide and steam. At 3.9 billion years ago, surface temperatures dropped to a range where liquid water could be maintained. Liquid water makes up approximately 75% of the planet's surface today which is roughly what it was then. The most important requirement for life as we know it is the presence of liquid water. This is the one substance that can serve as a universal solvent - that is, it can dissolve and transport minerals and
Life has continually perplexed and fascinated individuals since the dawn of mankind. The subject’s complexity is so great even over the course of human existence only a minute fraction of its mysteries have been unraveled. A phenomenon which has always intrigued scientists is the origin of life on Earth, and in recent years significant advancements have been made in the understanding of this enigma. This essay will briefly outline two theories regarding life’s origin on Earth to further comprehend why an explanation for this phenomenon has been so difficult to reach.
Throughout time, it has been a mystery where all life on Earth came from. Though many theories have been thought of, none have strong enough evidence to prove their existence. From meteors from outer space, to clay in the earth, some hypotheses are more widely recognized than others, but none are truly correct as far as our knowledge goes.
According to astronomical research and geological evidence, scientist indicate the universe is approximately thirteen thousand eight hundred and twenty billion years old. The first link to humanity started with a primate group called Ardipithecus. While our ancestors have been around for about six million years, the modern form of humans only evolved about two hundred thousand years ago. The age of the Earth is estimated about four point fifty four billion years because that is the age of the oldest rocks with fossil evidence of life on earth. The oldest rocks on Earth found to date are the Acasta Gneisses in northwestern Canada near the Great Slave Lake, which are four point three billion years old. The study of the origin of life on Earth, more specifically abiogenesis, is the natural process of life arising from non-living matter. Life on Earth is believed to have began from organic compounds about three point eight to four billion years ago. Despite several competing theories for how life arose on Earth scientist only know when life first appeared on Earth and are still far from answering how it appeared. Since it is hard to prove or disprove them, no fully accepted theories of the origin of life exists.
One of the main theories is that life started by chemical means in a rock where water, methane, ammonia and hydrogen were all present then with the added effect of lightening simple organic molecules formed the building blocks of life. There was an experiment that was conducted in 1953 by Miller and Urey that supports that the conditions above could stimulate organic compounds to form. *copied “ The Miller-Urey experiment attempts to recreate the chemical conditions of the primitive Earth in the laboratory, and synthesized some of the building blocks of life.