I recently took a Work Orientation Questionnaire for Sport Psychology. I scored highest on the work orientation, but I decided to research and talk about mastery orientation. Even though mastery orientation was the lowest score of the three, I feel like I can relate a little bit more by viewing the questions being asked within the Questionnaire. Readers, I am not disagreeing with the results of the quiz; however, I am expanding on an area that personally fits me better. This is for people who are focused on developing and progressing skills, but also for gaining additional knowledge. If readers are looking for a more descripted definition, it’s best defined as using the goal of learning and mastering the task according to standards set by you. Students find approval with the work and are not conflicted by external factors. These students also tend to participate in work or activities that increase their learning, which involves more attention, collecting information at a higher level, and are open to asking questions.
I plan on being a basketball coach at the junior high or high school level. I want to talk to the readers about mastery orientation within sport performance. Most players, regardless of sport, are ego-orientated people due to the theme of winning or success. Before I continue, I am not suggesting that I prefer all my players to be just mastery oriented. I believe a positive ego oriented athlete can reflect positively and help with the mastery oriented part.
Men and women are psychologically different in many ways. Some of these differences include competitiveness, goal orientation, self-confidence, motivation, mental toughness, incentives, preferences, etc. According to Anne Bowker in Sports Participation and Self-Esteem, Men have an advantage over women in sports because they're more aggressive and have higher self-esteem (2003).
It is my job as a coach to help develop athletes physically, psychologically, and socially while helping them have fun by playing a sport. I will do this by being enthusiastic and having a positive attitude in practice, games, and while not coaching. This cooperative approach to coaching will create a sense of community within the team I coach, and the athletes will feel more welcome to discuss their thoughts, ideas, questions, and concerns with me. Creating this setting and relationships with athletes will only benefit the team by creating a team culture necessary for the well-being and success of high school sports’ teams. Success in sports means accomplishing goals set by the team, not winning. Winning is important, but just striving to win is even more vital toward the success of teams. As a coach, I will also be a motivator for athletes. Athletes will see me come to practice with a positive attitude, displaying my passion. This is the beginning of how I will motivate athletes. Motivation starts with my attitude, and athletes pick up on this. In order to motivate and want to be motivated, there must be a reason, a why? I will use the teams’ goals they will set, in order to motivate them to give their best effort in order to achieve success by reaching their
Self-worth in sports is not based on winning. Success is not winning. These are two concepts I did not realize until recently. When I was a little younger than I am now, I put a tremendous amount of pressure on myself to win, and to win was my main goal. I never set realistic personal goals for advancing my own abilities. I based my own self-worth on whether I won a game or lost a game. I felt like a loss directly reflected on me. A loss meant I failed. This caused me to have high anxiety and depression when I did loose a game, and made me want to win that much more in the next game, but in a non-constructive way. It was like putting that much extra pressure oneself to play better and not make mistakes. I did not see it as an issue with effort, but as a failure in my ability. I never considered personal goals as anything other than trying to get a win. It is clear that winning is not in control of one person, especially in team sports.
In what manner Can Coaches Enhance Self-Esteem in Young Athletes? Being sure, aware, comprehensive and keeping game in context are key parts of a positive wearing encompassing. These components can propel mentor competitor connections and help outline positive self-regard. Kids who take an interest in exceedingly aggressive or strict situations may have more sentiments of low self-esteem when they lose an amusement. Wins and misfortunes can be more fundamental to a few children than the physical capacities they create by being included in the game. Interest in school games supply a feeling of having a place and being a piece of a group or gathering. You interface with your associates in an amicable way. You figure out how to look at the hobbies
There are over 450,000 athletes competing at the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) level across 24 different sports in the United States (NCAA, 2012). What psychological qualities separate the successful student athlete from the non-successful student athlete (i.e., a student athlete who completes their eligibility and graduates, or gets drafted into the professional level)? We know sport psychology and mental performance training can assist athletes in achieving peak performance by teaching confidence, goal setting, imagery, mental toughness, how to deal with pressure, relaxation, positive self-talk and more (Shemake, 2014). This study aims to identify if certain student athletes posses some of these characteristics without
Every athlete that needs to compete has to be not only be physically ready, but they also need to be psychologically ready. Thousands of things go through the head of an athlete before the event even happens. They also have to think about what they are going to do while they are in the game. It is hard to react and perform at your best when a person’s mind is not clear. They can do all of the physical preparation that they need to do but being mentally ready is another thing. Some athletes are naturally stronger mentally than others. Having the motivation, grit, and will to accomplish
The author has had a lifetime of experience with athletics in multiple sports as an athlete, as a coach, and now as an athletic director at a high school. As an athlete that was highly competitive, his mindset was to always work hard and do whatever it took to win. About a year after all of his college eligibility has been completed his good friend took a job at a high school in San Bernardino as a water polo coach and asked him to come out to the pool to teach his boys a few things. The author took on an assistant coaching position from that point on for the next 6 years because he loved teaching the athletes what it was to not only be a competitor but to be a competitor the right way, through hard work and respecting the game. He eventually took over the program and progressed from a coach who wanted to desperately win to a coach that wanted his kids to be successful at everything they attempted to do above all else. That mindset has spilled over into his job as an athletic administrator at a new high school.
For this assignment I will explain the effect of personality and motivation on sports performance.
The word athletics comes from the Greek word “athlos,” and it means “contest” or “task.” The two articles, “The Effect of IAAF Kids Athletics on the Physical Fitness and Motivation of Elementary School Students in Track and Field” by Blatsis Petros, et. al., and “Sport Psychology: the Ultimate Spring Board of Excellence” by Jitendra Mohan, are both written in different sub disciplines of athletics, and therefore, the purposes of the articles differ. The articles are based on the similar topics, but the authors wrote the articles for different disciplines; therefore, the articles differ in language, structure, and the reference style they use.
Sport psychology is another biophysical principle which influnces improvement in trainings. These include motivation, self talk, visualisation, mental rehersal, routines, arousal control, goal setting, confidence and concentration. Sport Psychology is a importnant component as it influnces your motivations levels and keeps you going when you are struggling. Motivation is very important when it comes to exerscising because if you are not motivated you will not be enthusiastic about training and therefore you will become lazy, however if you are motivated you will become ready to go and will take on any challenge. There are many ways to influence your motivation one way I think influnces my motivation is by listening to up beat music while exerscising
It has been identified that through sports psychology one can improve their physical ability and performance. Sports psychology is the study of how the mind, mental states and behaviour effect sporting performance. There are several sport psychology techniques, which have helped me become a better volleyball player. These techniques include planning for performance, controlling arousal levels, mental rehearsal and concentration.
When looking down an alleyway with limited visibility, there can be unforeseen outcomes which gives the lack predictability and produces fear. As reported by Rosenzweig, “Today there are 100,000 gang members vs. 12,000 cops in Chicago. Up to 40 percent of all homicides in major cities nationwide from 2009 to 2011 were gang-related. Gang members were responsible for 61 percent of all homicides in 2011, up from 58.7 percent in 2010.” What Rosenzweig is presenting is that each year, homicide crimes rates and gang population increase dramatically as each year progresses. The significance of the photo of the alley is that it is a very rare opportunity to observe kids playing in the front of their house because the adolescents are vulnerable to the
Roper, E. A. (2008). Women’s Career Experiences in Applied Sport Psychology. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 20(4), 408-424.
In earlier days sports psychology was mostly concerned with developing assessment methods that would identify those people with the potential to become serious superior athletes. Today the focus is on psychological training, exercises that strengthen the mental skills that will help athletic performances on the path to excellence. These skills include mental imagery and focus training. If an athlete is serious about becoming the best he or she can possibly be, the most essential ingredient is commitment to practice the right things. It takes incredible commitment to reach the top: a commitment to rest and train the body so it can perform under the most demanding conditions and a commitment to train the mind to
Reflecting daily upon these values will increase my ability to articulate a holistic coaching philosophy. A personal coaching philosophy can be used as a tool itself, enabling a coach to question their practices and develop their own understanding and knowledge (Nash, et al., 2008). Already being interested in Sports Psychology, the reflective learning practice was already something I was aware of and keen to know more about.