
Organs And Cells In The Film The Island

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Ervin Gordon has stopped his car from sitting and decaying. His car has 3 million miles on it, and it is 44 years old. Gordon says it does not have to be the fastest to go a million miles. He does the maintenance on it which is tuning it and changing the oil to keep it going “forever”. It has had 3 clutches and the engine has been replaced twice. The odometer turns over every hundred thousand miles which means it is on its twenty-eighth time. We as humans need to get regular checkups. In the movie, The Island, they have figured out how to live forever by making a clone. Our body replaces parts, and cells definitely replace themselves. They grow cells in labs, which then is used to build organs. They have to build a structure or scaffold to build an organ. Many things are toxic to cells. In an incubator, the cells multiply. They use the patient’s own cells to make tissues, so the body will accept it. An organ is a collection of parts that come together and work together. “Every day nearly twenty Americans die waiting for donor organs.” Blood vessels carry fluids, and every cell needs a blood vessel. This process is being and can be used to replace destroyed or dead organs for the people in society. …show more content…

They think that with C. Elegance, a microscopic worm, we will help us live forever. The worm at first is very active and then within two weeks it is very inactive. The worms that are the same age as the inactive worms look a lot younger. The gene FOXO keeps the worm looking younger and living longer. Genes are DNA, which are four chemicals. “FOXO is a master control gene.” It switches on other genes. There is about a 100 working genes with important jobs. A gene is usually two copies. One copy is from the father and the other copy is from the

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