
Organizational Culture : Multiple Characteristics That Differentiates It From Another Organization

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Organizational culture has multiple characteristics that differentiates it from another organization in its field. According to Robbins & Judge (2014) there are seven different characteristics. They are as follows: “Innovation and risk taking, attention to detail, outcome orientation, people orientation, team orientation, aggressiveness and stability” (Robbins & Judge, 2014, p. 249). When reviewing each of these characteristics the writer felt most compelled by attention to detail. While serving in the United States Army there were multiple instances when most of these characteristics were defined. Attention to detail was one characteristic that was drilled into the psyche of all who attempt and succeeded during basic training. The …show more content…

The paper was to written on attention to detail. During the writing of this paper it was realized how important it is to be aware of everything around you at all times regardless how mundane it may be. Although in most organizations attention to detail does not have such a severe ending as death it is still very important to not overlook. It could ensure that a mistake is not made within a customer’s order. The attention to detail training that was gained is one of the qualities that is most cherished by the writer. While working at The Gap, there were multiple instances where small mistakes were realized and addressed before they actually became a problem that was harder to contain. In many ways the military is very innovative as well as risk taking. Everyday soldiers are taking risk for the freedom that most individuals take for granted. One are that seems mundane is that of vaccines. While deployed during Operation Iraqi Freedom all those individuals within the company of the writer were required to receive the anthrax vaccine. This is a vaccine series that required multiple injections that were planned accordingly. The entire theater as well as unit received all but the last two required injections. When questioning why the last ones were not administered it was found that this particular vaccine was not approved by the Federal Drug Administration so it had been eliminated as a required

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