
Organizational Culture Influences The Working Environment

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Organizational culture influences the working environment for employees and in healthcare organizations, the culture also effects patient outcomes. André, Sjøvold, Rannestad, & Ringdal, (2014) report, “researchers have also found that nurses working in contexts with more positive culture, leadership and evaluation reported more research utilization, staff development and lower rates of patients and staff adverse events” (p. 449). Therefore, it is important that health care organizations focus on establishing a positive culture. Research shows that positive work environments have similar characteristics. Nurse leaders are in an optimal position to influence organizational culture.
Current Workplace Culture
The current workplace culture at Dartmouth Hitchcock, is a positive one this is shown by biannual staff satisfaction surveys. The most recent staff satisfaction survey reports that staff are engaged and like their jobs. Nurses report they feel they have a voice and matter to their direct managers, as they feel comfortable approaching their managers with concerns. Magnet Recognition is being pursued which further provides an infrastructure of shared decision making for nurses as well as additional quality indicators (American Nurse Credentialing Center). Mentor and preceptor training programs are offered and encouraged for staff that train new employees to ensure they possess the skills they need to develop new staff. A zero tolerance policy is being developed to

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