
Organizational Culture : An Organization

Good Essays

Introduction Each company has its own beliefs and values that define it. A company culture determines how employees and customers perceive the company, client treatment and how the company should react to various changes in the environment. An organizational culture is a mirror of the company leadership. Different styles of leadership ensure maintenance of various corporation cultures. The climate within an organization determines a company’s financial performance. To ensure their propositions are deemed important, a quality company culture integrates each employee or customer. Job-related problems, either personal or work related, are listened to, and the top management find the best means to solve them. Work is delegated to employees while managers work by the employees’ side to ensure perfection (Alvesson, 2002).
Case Study
The survey presented by Debra Woog McGinty and Nicole C. Moss compromised of fifteen questions divided into three sections of five questions each. Evaluating my company using the guidelines provided the following results.
Section 1: 4 true, 1 False.
Section 2: 3 True, 2 False.
Section 3: 2 True, 3 False.
According to the instructions, my organization falls under the company culture discussed in the first section. These are companies with a thoughtful and intellectual culture. It correctly describes the formal and flexible systems of dealing with client needs. The only place the survey errs is about the internal competitions within. The culture

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