
Organisational Change Management

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1. Introduction

Organizational Change Management encompasses all activities aimed at helping an organization successfully accept and adopt new technologies and new ways to serve its customers. Effective change management enables the transformation of strategy, processes, technology, and people to enhance performance and ensure continuous improvement in an ever-changing environment. A comprehensive and structured approach to organizational change management is critical to the success of any project that will bring about significant change.

Fig I. Adapted from State of Oklahoma CORE Project Change Management Plan

In any large implementation, the Project Team can expect to experience resistance and reluctance to change. The …show more content…

Training Objectives

As stated earlier, training may be a crucial component of your Organizational Change Management Plan. Especially where business process is changed or new skills are required, it is paramount that employees be fully prepared before they are expected to perform new duties. The following steps will help you establish a training program appropriate to your project:
Review your organization’s policies and procedures and determine which of them may require modification. Work with the organization to help them adapt to the changes.
Learn the impact your project will have on individual jobs and workflow. Where impact is substantial, ensure that focused training is available.
In the tables that follow, record the groups relevant to your project, their specific training needs and information about the training materials and facilities that you will use.
Establish an appropriate curriculum. It is possible that the same material should be presented in very different ways depending on the background and skill level of the audience (e.g. business staff may require a less technical presentation than IT staff). Find or develop well qualified trainers.
Create a plan for the post-implementation training support that may be required as new employees come into the organization, or as existing employees change jobs.)

The project is expected to require significant modifications in the organization’s workflow

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