
Organic Food Is Better Than Conventional Food

Decent Essays

Organic food is a current topic in today’s healthful world. There are different sides to the organic food argument. One is that organic food is much better than conventional food. The other is that conventional food is just as good as organic and more for your dollar. To some families organic food is more then they can afford because of the extra work that is required to grow it. People say that organic food is better because it has no chemicals or fertilizer in it but that is not true because they do put fertilizer on it just “natural” fertilizer that is certified by the USDA. Conventional food which to many people think is not safe because of the chemicals in it but it is just as safe as organic food. Some organic food is not completely chemical free. Certified organic is the most chemical free but not completely. According to the Mayo Clinic if the produce has a USDA organic seal on it then it is 95 to 100 percent organic. “Products that are completely organic — such as fruits, vegetables, eggs or other single-ingredient foods — are labeled 100 percent organic and can carry the USDA seal. Foods that have more than one ingredient, such as breakfast cereal, can use the USDA organic seal plus the following wording, depending on the number of organic ingredients, 100 percent organic. To use this phrase, products must be either completely organic or made of all organic ingredients. Organic. Products must be at least 95 percent organic to use this term” (Are They Safe?).

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