
Organic Farming Practices ( Non Organic )

Better Essays

Akamai Mahi’ai
Amber Moniz
Morgan Brailo
Leilehua High School

Table of Contents
Page 2: Table of Contents
Page 3: Abstract
Page 4: Organic Farming Practices
Page 5: Conventional Farming Practices (Non Organic)
Page 8: Conclusion
Page 10: Citation

Centuries ago, ancient civilizations learned how to take plants that they found flourishing in nearby areas and grow them conveniently for their own use. The advancement of technology, and the evolution of farming practices has created a great variance from the simplistic idea of putting a seed in the ground, adding some water, and hoping it will grow. Currently, a debate amongst the farming community has caught the attention of people even living hundreds of miles from the nearest …show more content…

By rotating crops, studies have shown that it can increase the yield, lower the cost of crop production, and decrease the amount of additives needed to make a strong crop. Rotation has also been known to benefit physical properties of the soil like tilts, and bulk density, and also contribute to efficient use of plant nutrients found in soil.
The organic practice of using cover crops, also known as green manure, is done to feed and provide micro flora and fauna in the soil with nutrients. Cover cropping prevents the growth of problematic bacteria, diseases, and insects by supplying beneficial organisms the foundation they need to thrive in the soil. For centuries farmers have used green manure, but in recent times it has been replaced by the use of herbicides and fertilizers. This practice has multiple benefits for the soil including soil tilth, water infiltration, and reduction of sealing. It provides erosion control, adds to the fertility of
the soil, suppresses the growth of weeds, and encourages the growth of beneficial insects.
There are two main types of green manure, legumes and non-legumes. Legumes benefit the soil by adding much needed Nitrogen, it does this by fixing atmospheric Nitrogen into a form plants can use. Non-legumes recycle excess Nitrogen into Phosphorus and
Potassium, two other highly need nutrients for the success of crops. The use of a cover crop does require a little planning

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