
Organ Trafficking : A Large Problem

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Illegal organ trafficking has become a large problem all over the world. The traffickers are commonly attacking the poor and promising them money but it never ends up being the correct amount. Commonly doctors and pharmaceutical companies overlook the illegal trade of the organs because they receiving money from the transplants. Organ trafficking takes place in three broad categories. The first one is organ traffickers will force or trick the individual into giving up an organ. Secondly the victim formally or informally agrees to sell the kidney and never receives the money for it or is promised a certain amount and receives a lot less. Lastly people are treated for a illness in which they do not know if their organs are being or not being removed (Trafficking for Organ Trade, 2014).
The vulnerable groups of people that are normally attacked are migrant workers, homeless individuals, and illiterate people. Organ trafficking does not discriminate against any age. Organs that are commonly trafficked are livers and kidneys. Any organ will be traded as long as it can removed and used (Trafficking for Organ Trade, 2014).
Trafficking is considered organized crime because it involves many individuals when it takes place. “The recruiter who identifies the vulnerable person, the transporter, the staff of the hospital/ clinic and other medical centres, the medical professionals, the middlemen and contractors, the buyers, the banks where organs are stored are all involved in the

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