
Antagonist Synthesis Essay

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An organ bath experiment was carried out to examine different types of antagonistic (competitive reversible (CRA), non-competitive (NCA), and physiological antagonisms) mechanisms for regulating the VSM tone by using NA with prazosin (Praz), serotonin (5HT) with methysergide (Meth) and verapamil (Ver), and KCl with carbachol (Carb) on isolated rat aorta tissue. The hypothesis is the CRA mechanism will reach max contraction, but higher concentration of agonist is needed to reach max contraction in presence of antagonist, the NCA mechanism will show decrease in max contraction of agonist with presence of antagonist, and physiological antagonism will show relaxation of tissue due to the action of antagonist during presence of agonist.
Each agonist …show more content…

When both NA and Praz act on GPCR in VSM membrane, NA induces production of IP3 and Praz does not. Therefore, to produce same level of contraction from NA only by using NA with Praz, higher concentration of NA is necessary to occupy more receptor. Theoretically, the maximum (100%) concentration should be achieved with high concentration of agonist with antagonist (1 p10). 82.61% of contraction was observed in this experiment. it could be due to tissue damage from experimental process or could be influenced by more than five days storage of prepared tissue (3). 5HT2 receptor is located in the CNS and also located in the periphery (1 p196). The subtypes of 5HT2 are linked to colonic motility (5-HT2A), heart (5-HT2B), and central nervous system (5-HT2c) (1 p196). Meth act as antagonist to 5-HT2A, partial agonist to 5-HT2B, and antagonist to 5-HT2C (1 p199, 4). Both 5HT, and Meth works as agonist, but binding of 5HT to receptor give full response (full agonist), and Meth give less than full response (partial agonist). Meth act as agonist in presence of low concentration of 5HT with Meth. Meth act as antagonist in presence of high concentration of 5HT with Meth. Meth disturbs 5HT binding to receptor to give full response. Therefore, crossover of 5HT only trend line and 5HT with Meth should be observed. Absence of crossover might be due to different efficacies, as Meth is known …show more content…

Antagonistic effect of Praz (10-8M) on range of NA concentrations (10-4M to 10-9M). A rat’s thoracic section of descending aorta (VSM) was used to demonstrate antagonistic mechanism of Praz (orange) to NA’s (10-4M to 10-9M) agonistic action. NA-induced contraction of VSM (blue, 10-5M to 10-9M) was measured for comparison with Praz. The NA’s agonistic action and Praz’s antagonistic action toward NA were measured as force of contraction with 1.5g of baseline contraction force. The data points in the graph are mean value of 5 groups, standard deviation as error bar. Real contraction values were converted into percentage by using highest contraction force value as

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