
Oregon Territory Research Paper

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The United States currently occupies around thirty-seven percent of North America, but how has this prosperous country expanded so fast in the last three centuries? The US is currently one of the largest countries in the world and the second largest in North America. Though most Americans know about the original Thirteen Colonies, several of them might have trouble trying to list another major affair through which the United States has expanded westward. Many battles and fights have caused the borders of the United States and the states and territories of the land now deemed to the United States to have changed; along with major purchases of land, the battles and fights have brought America to the current size it is.
The United States was started as thirteen colonies that were originated from settlers who decided that they wanted religious freedom instead of being forced to remain a menial outsider to the large European religions. These territories eventually banded together and via the Treaty of Paris -1873- retained their independence from Europe and were finally recognized by several European countries that had …show more content…

The proposed border between Canada and the US was deleted, yet the Oregon Territory border wasn’t settled. The US claimed up to the fifty-four degrees forty minutes north as the border for the Oregon Territory because of the posts left by the Lewis and Clark Expedition. The border between the areas claimed by the United States and Canada of the Oregon Territory was resolved to the forty-nine degrees north line and the Oregon Treaty was settled in 1846 (“The”). After the Oregon Territory and the land gained by the US through the Mexican-American War was controlled by the US, there was still a small portion of land on the edge of the US-Mexico border that makes up the rest of the contiguous United States and Washington,

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