
Orban's Migrant Crisis

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“The Hungarian nation is not a simple sum of individuals, but a community that needs to be organized, strengthened and developed, and in this sense, the new state that we are building is an illiberal state, a non-liberal state.” Orban’s bold statements are slowly becoming a reality, alarming the Western countries and most of Europe. After a history of communist influence and authoritarian rule, Hungary’s democratic consolidation in the late 20th century had been considered a huge success. They had a strong government and stable economy, and was one of the forerunners for the European Union. The expectation was that joining the European Union would consolidate liberal democracy in Hungary. However, shortly after Hungary became a part of the …show more content…

Instead of providing a safe haven for the refugees as a member of the European Union should do, Orban uses the migrant crisis as an excuse to push draconian immigration laws through the Hungarian parliament. He urges citizens to “protect themselves from threats to their collective identity, and appeals unceasingly to ethnic pride based on shared history, values, religion, and tongue.” However, his seemingly innocent facade only hides his true intentions. Under his rule, refugees are criminalized for “damaging or simply crossing a border blockade”, and many migrants were arrested and deported without a reason. According to the Independent, he forces the migrants into detention camps, and orders the usage of water cannons and teargas at refugees who are seeking shelter from their war-ravaged country. The severe nationalism and xenophobia Orban exhibits has many unfavorable connotations, especially with Hungary’s anti-semitic background. He is erecting borders against anyone who opposes him, including Islam, migrants and refugees, Jews, the European Union, the United Nations, and Soros. UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, has called Hungary’s policies “legally, morally, and physically unacceptable”. The most alarming point is that Hungary is a member of both NATO and the European Union, which are organizations that stand for “respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities.” Orban is blatantly mocking these core values with his intolerant policies and brutal actions, and actually encourages other Eastern European countries to follow his xenophobic lead. He is already working together with Poland, who is also in the EU and is making the slow descent into authoritarianism. The Poland and Hungarian governments is showing solidarity with each other's efforts to

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