
Oppression In The Handmaid's Tale

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In the nineteenth century, US President James Madison was quoted as saying, “Liberty may be endangered by the abuse of liberty, but also by the abuse of power.” This quote is pertinent to Margaret Atwood’s 1985 novel, The Handmaid’s Tale. In it, it depicted a society in the future, with a conservative approach to government, favoring men, and very controlling. While it explored many topics that were relevant to the society at the time, the most important one was power and the power dynamics in the novel itself. The main areas of the novel that utilized this power the most are in the violence, the use of language, all surrounding the patriarchal society favoring men. These parts combined to create different forms of systematic oppression, which …show more content…

Men, with their higher place in society, took advantage of the women, who were below them. Powerlessness was a direct effect on women in Gilead, from the form of government that they had. With little to no autonomy, women were treated as objects in Gilead. From the Handmaids, who were essentially sex slaves, to the Marthas, who served as servants to the high-ranking men. Men did not have to face this type of systematic oppression, as they were higher up in society. An example would be from the club again, as the Commander could satisfy his needs by taking and showing off a Handmaid in the club, while Offred had no chance at even attempting such an act. However, loneliness affected everyone, which was a private oppression. While they affect everyone, different genders had the opportunity to handle it differently. This can be seen by comparing Offred and the Commander. While Offred deals with her feelings of isolation by thinking about her previous marriage with Luke, and what it was like to be falling in love, the Commander essentially demanded for Offred to be a companion for him. Though this difference was there, Offred thought, “Also: I now had power over her, of a kind…” (pg. 162). Offred even went as far as to believe that she was gaining power because of their relationship, but she always knew that if they were caught, it would be Offred’s fault, only because of the role she had in society. Also, this shows how women had to deal with little to no power in the society – they had to envision it. This power dynamic does not exist in today’s society, because we think of both genders as equal. These are some ways that the power dynamic caused this divide between the public and private realms, and how they are experienced by different people. In this case, the public realm was

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