
Opinions Change In Twelve Angry Men By Reginald Rose

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In the play Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose, throughout the story the opinions change. And the way Reginald Rose wrote the play is great at showing these changes, making them important and not just outright saying. The purpose of this story was to show exactly that, to show that opinions can change. The first thing in the book was the evidence of guilt. Because as Juror Eight shows throughout the play, the pieces in the evidence aren’t exactly right or couldn’t have happened. In pages 14-15, as Juror Three shares the first piece of evidence in the play, he shares, “Let’s take the old man who lived on the second floor right underneath the room where the murder took place. Ten minutes after twelve on the night of the killing, he heard loud noises in …show more content…

And this gives people some thought about if the old man heard anything at all, and a few minutes later Juror Nine changes his vote to not guilty, starting the whole transition that leads to the end of the play. Another piece of evidence that had pieces missing was the boy not remembering the movie. Now it was said that the boy should have remembered a movie three hours before the police were called for the murder, but the boy said he didn’t remember the name or the actors from the movie. Juror eight tries to prove that you can’t remember everything from long ago. Recalling every detail is not possible. The 8th juror questions the 4th juror on where he was on certain days and asks him what he did last Monday. The “Monday. He paused Monday night. [He remembers] Monday night my wife and I went to the movies.’ ‘What did you see?’ ‘The Scarlet circle. It’s a very clear whodunit.” With this you can see 4th’s start of struggle with remembering, and later is asked what the second feature was at the movies and 4th replies with, “The. I’ll tell you in a

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