
Operant Conditioning In Children

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When Conor refuses to work constructively on a given task provided by his (1-1), it is clear that this is a result of the lack of interest displayed by his assistant. Behaviourists such as Skinner, believed in the idea of operant conditioning -derived from his invention of the Skinner Box. Operant conditioning focuses on the individual making a particular response, to avoid or gain a selected consequence. Skinner may propose that Conor’s refusal to actively participate could be overcome if reinforcement or the law effect theory is put into action. Positive reinforcement aims to strengthen behaviour. When Conor eventually makes an attempt at completing a task, positive reinforcement should be used by the assistant, encouraging Conor and praising him for his hard work. The positive stimulus, should be meaningful and encourage Conor’s good behaviour to be …show more content…

Constructivist ideas on learning aim to make children active participants. A reason for his refusal could be fear within his cognitive thoughts, of active participation in front of the whole class. This could be catered for by grouping him with other children to complete activities suited to prior learning. With problem solving activities ideas are linked to prior knowledge (Stavredes 2011). As social constructivist Vygotsky, Rogoff and Bruner suggest Conor here would be in the zone of proximal development where his learning and construction of knowledge will be scaffolded by his peers. Scaffolding is a key aspect of teaching and learning as it models skills and encourages social interaction amongst peers (Copple & Bredekamp, 2009). Modelling behaviour for another, can also increase the individuals self-esteem, this is an essential stage in cognitive development. For Conor, a good sense of self-esteem seems to be what he is lacking in his consistent refusal to take part actively in whole class

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