
Open-Ended Interview Questions

Decent Essays

Despite huge efforts in child and adolescent mental health care service, most therapies finish without achieving the therapy goals. Even though therapeutic relationship forms the health professionals’ standards, central to mental health care and is important to therapeutic atmosphere (Gilburt, Rose & Slade, 2008). It is perplexing the roles of therapeutic relationship are neglected in clinical research (Karver et al., 2008). Research into this area shows important milestone in the history of experimental research in psychotherapy (Horvath, 2005).

Study identified clinician’s capacity to develop and uphold a therapeutic relationship as an advanced qualification (Plexico, Manning, & DiLollo, 2010). Studies identified flexibility, …show more content…

Participant will be invited and interview at the NHS therapy center; a safe, comfortable and familiarize environment. Researcher will use high-quality recording material (Dictaphone) to record interviews, explain the purpose to interviewee and ask concise questions considering the age of participants. Interview will be uploaded as MP3 files, transcribe and keep strictly safe. At the end of each interview, participants will be asked to draw the experience they could not describe with word. Creative techniques act as catalyst to open ended interview question, actively involve the children and compliment interview (Driessnack & Furukawa, 2012). Debriefing will take place immediately after interview.

2.4) Analysis: What approach to analysis will you take (e.g. thematic analysis, IPA, grounded theory, discourse analysis, etc). What steps will you follow in this analysis?
This study will use thematic analysis to identify, analyze and reports themes set in data collected from interviews. It provides flexible and systematic approach to analyzing qualitative data, reports the true experience of participants and interpretation emerge from data collected and not theoretically bound, unlike other qualitative analysis approaches (Braun & Clarke, 2006).
The analysis steps will occur in phase, this include: …show more content…

Researcher will properly fill University Research Ethics Committee form and submit through the supervisor. This study intends to recruit participants and conduct interview at National Health Service, therefore will obtain consent from the local Research Ethic Service organized by the National Research Ethics Service (NRES). Information sheet will be made available for participants, containing details about the research nature; goal and method, which form the basis for the participant consents (Appendix 1). Resolve problems of participants’ vulnerable age group by getting parents and participants informed consent (Appendix 3 &

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