
Open Conversational Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Hey PARENTS- Hassling with your "hip-hopper" making you Holler?!!!Hey TEENS- R u having trouble getting the 'rents off your back? Well, No matter what the case, I have the solution. Just follow these simple guidelines:

L.OVE your parent/child unconditionally. This is an easy step that if missed, can screw-up a person's life majorly!!!

E.NVITE open conversation on why you're hurt or upset, etc. Open conversation is always nice because you always know that, as long as you're not interrupted, you'll always be heard through!!!

A.GREEMENTS should always be met when everyone has said all they want to say. This balance the fairness out a lot!!!

R.ESPECT your parent's/child's thoughts, opinions, and privacies(to a certain extent).

N.EVER leave

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