
Ontological Argument Is Anselm Is False

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I Thesis
The Ontological Argument presented by Anselm is false because of premise two. Anselm argues that God’s existence is provable in a priori, this means that one knows God exists simply by reason alone and therefore does not need any prior experience to know it is true. In the next section, I will explain the premises and defend Anselm’s point. In the third section, I will explain how premise two is wrong.
II The Ontological Argument
In this section, I will explain the argument. If one accepts all of the premises of the argument to be true then we must accept its conclusion. The first premise of the argument states that God exists in the understanding (Rowe, 37). This is a true idea because somethings only exist in one’s understanding. …show more content…

One has been using Leibniz’s test to establish the truth of the second premise. However, it seems to fail when the concept includes that a thing exist in its definition (Lecture 7/6). That is how the concept of God is in Anselm’s argument. The test is applied to possible and impossible things. One thinks of something as possible if it is coherent and not self-contradictory. The following is an example of how the test can fail. Imagine a unicorn, a thing has horse-like qualities and a horn and a “unichorn”, a thing that has horse-like qualities, a horn and existence (Lecture 7/6). One thing has existence in its definition while the other does not. There is nothing incoherent or self-contradictory about those concepts. According to Leibniz’s test it would seem as though they would both pass the test making them both possible things. However, there are two subcategories of possible things. The first category includes possible things that exist while the second category consists of possible things that do not exist but

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