
Online Privacy In The United States

Decent Essays

The principle of freedom in the United States of America has always tied with one’s private matters. But with technology advancing at such a rapid rate, the idea of privacy might soon become something from a fairytale. Especially included, is one’s online persona. The American government has begun to derestrict itself from the bounds of an individual's personal matters online. In reception, many Americans feel that their natural given rights are being exploited. They feel that the government has no justifiable reasons to be vigilating information that is not intended for anybody’s eyes except its rightful owner. However, it is truly necessary for the government to observe what citizens are doing online because it protects both the United States …show more content…

Many people want privacy laws to be strengthened because to many entities are taking advantage of their privacy. In Simson Garfinkel's article he talks about congress taking advantage of the so few restrictions regarding privacy. He points out how congress issued numerous laws such as the Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act, which gave congress the ability to wiretap any online communication with ease. Garfinkel makes it extremely apparent that the government is desperately trying involve themselves in matters where they not have business in. However free rein is given to congress when there is no real clarifying points to distinguish what is acceptable or not regarding online privacy. Congress is able to get away with snooping through people’s private information because there is an immense amount of grey area having to do with online privacy. In order to reduce it, congress themselves must pass laws that aid the people rather than themselves. Congress must clearly state that Internet privacy is a right and enforce it with laws that prohibit them from intervening with online privacy. Garfinkel even goes as far to state his own solution involving online privacy. He explains that a permanent federal oversight agency charged with protecting privacy is necessary to protect the rights of the people. Such agency would …show more content…

Sometimes, in order for an individual's own safety, sacrifices have to be made. The government has full justification to arbitrate the people’s online private matters because it is necessary for the protection of the country and its citizens. One example comes from an underground network called the “deep web”. The deep web could be described as the wild west of the internet. Numerous amounts of information are posted on the deep web where normal search engines like Google or Bing do not show. According to Tyler Biscontini, a writer for the Salem Press, the deep web is useful for many different reasons. It provides anonymity to anyone using it. Special software must be downloaded in order to run the deep web. This is mainly because the deep web’s main feature is that the user’s ip address is changed so that they can roam the web free of the fear of being tracked. It also provides a significant greater amount of information that is not accessible on a normal browser. Journalist especially, use the deep web in order to dive into research and scouting topics for future stories. However, the deep web can also be a dangerous place. Many individuals take advantage of its features for wrongdoing. Due to the anonymity that comes with accessing the deep web, it is hard to track down individuals performing the crimes. Lev Grossman, a writer for Time Magazine, describes an occurrence that happened

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