
Ones Who Walk Away From The Omelas And The Most Handsome Drowned Man

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Societal values are commonly conveyed by an author’s work through subtle hints and metaphors. Ursula Le Guin and Gabriel Garcia Marquez are both perfect examples of this technique. “The Ones Who Walk Away From the Omelas” and “The Most Handsome Drowned Man in the World” are the stories chosen to analyze for the way they chose to convey societal values. Le Guin chooses the concept of happiness as a value, and the idea of sacrifice. Marques choose the idea of beauty in a society and the transformation of a society together. Both stories use a society as well as a human figure in particular. Le Guin uses a negative representation and Marquez uses a positive representation to convey these concepts and values in society. In “The Ones Who Walk Away From the Omelas”, the child in the basement is the sacrifice that the individual, as well as society, makes for happiness. “The Handsomest Drowned Man” uses the man from the sea as a representation of beauty; however he is dead, and shows the impossibility of attaining the perfect ideal of beauty. Le Guin describes her utopia, with the exception of the neglected child because it is impossible for anyone to believe in such a place without a catch. She mentions how most people come to find peace …show more content…

They also both use a human being to represent an idea in society and in the individual as well. Both include sacrifice and the way people try to justify their emotions and reactions, or lack of action. They differ however, in the way that Le Guin does this negatively, and Marquez does this positively. Le Guin uses the child being neglected and the acceptance and justification of society for the greater good. Marquez uses a dead man who is absolutely beautiful, but unattainable to show the vain part of society, and the desperation almost at trying to grasp at something unreal, something

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