
One Million Men And Me Book Report

Decent Essays

“One million Black men, one million Black kings.” Monday, October 16, 1995, is the day that stood for unity, love, and brotherhood. The day one million Black men gathered in Washington, DC declaring for their right to justice. The day Black men made history. The Million Man March, the inspiring event of Black men from all ages, religions, and background, led by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan motivated Kelly Lyons to write One Million Men and Me. The book described the march from the perspective of a little girl who joined her father while standing at the Washington Mall along with over one million Black men. Speeches from numerous people rang through the crowd’s ears, as well as those who watched on television as they made know the value and importance of black men’s lives. One Million Men and Me delivers a message to children and …show more content…

“They came to make changes, came to make themselves and their communities better.” (8) Lyons’ picture book demonstrates how a group of Black men came together to demand their rights in a peaceful way. It also shows how other people noticed what they were doing and took a stand with them. The little girl mad a comment saying, “They came to make changes, came to make themselves and their communities better.” (8) At this time in life where there is a lot of violence going on, it is good for young adults to see this and know that it is possible to stand up and demand change if they want that change to happen, and do so in a peaceful way. The illustrations by Peter Ambush were well displayed throughout the book. Every picture connected well with the words in the story. The illustrations were very life like and looked as though he drew exactly what he saw during the time of the march, and expressed it on paper to go along with the book. The powerful pictures throughout the book of the Black men holding their clenched fist in the air, hoping for peace gave off a strong message as well

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