
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Sparknotes

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A theme that keeps reoccurring throughout the book is, never backing down or running away from your past. It is correct that at first, Somaly ran away from the brothel with her husband, Pierre, and went to live in France for a while, however they moved back. “Your experience is yours forever. Keep it and find a way to use it” (page 156), the best motto that fit the story. In the book when Pierre and Somaly moved back to Kratie in Cambodia, where she started volunteering in the mornings with a MSF clinic. During the mornings, some girls would come in seeking help for their sicknesses or AIDS so they could work, however, the nurses who see who they were judge them causing neglect to help them. Although, Somaly knew from experience it was not the girls fault and had to do something to help them, since the workers …show more content…

“We have helped more than five thousand victims of prostitution get back on their feet.” (p.164) AFESIP (Acting for Women in Distressing Situations) and the Somaly Mam foundation in the United States, are the two that she takes the most pride. In the beginning, as she was just starting out her organization, AFESIP, she was able to create a shelter in Phong Phem, with the help of her adoptive family, Mam and Mam Khon it turned out to be successful. It consisted of sewing classes and education classes so the girls could learn trades, sooner they grew larger and Somaly created a shelter just for the teenage girls. She would rescue them from the brothels with the help of the Cambodian police force, move them to the shelters, and transform the girls to better themselves. Somaly notes that even herself has went on some of these dangerous missions herself, even while she was pregnant. She also writes that sometimes the Pimps who owned the brothels would send her threats and try to burn down her old house in the village, Thlok

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