
One Child Policy DBQ

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“It kills a child and leaves a mother to live the rest of her life with the knowledge that she took her own child's life.” (Anonymous) and “if we accept a mother to kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill each other?” (Mother Theresa.) That is exactly what the One Child Policy (OCP) is inflicting. When Mao Zedong, a communist revolutionary, took control of China. He wanted to economically catch up with international superpowers such as the United States. He then told the Chinese people that, “people are the most precious,” inferring that if there were more people, then there will be more workers and therefore a stronger China. Not only did a population boom occur, but many Chinese were forced to leave their agricultural …show more content…

The One Child Policy should not be in place due to the fact that the fertility rate had already been dropping, it causes stress on the youth and traditions, and lacks basic human rights and even forces cruel and inhumane punishments such as abortion, sterilization or even fines In addition,The OCP may causes some (Income …show more content…

This may lead to tension between the rich and poor, since the rich will be able to have as many kids as they want and simply pay off the penalties. A Chinese woman speaking about her abortion said that, “You either go in by yourself or the government takes you in.” This is another reason why the OCP should not be in action because it takes away the Chinese people’s basic human rights by forcing abortions or even sterilization. Another con to this is that females are being aborted, thrown away and even given up, since men are culturally preferred. This also causes a higher variation in the male to female ratio. Which will cause a huge drop in the population in the future, since there won't be enough females for the men to reproduce with. If this occurs,China’s economy will start to fall because there will be too many jobs and not enough

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