
Once Upon A Time By Bleaser

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Society can have a dangerous effect on people everywhere. It can be unfair, make you do things you wouldn’t normally do and your values may be completely different than what society says they should be. An individual doesn't have to follow society's standards for them. Following society can be extremely unfair for individuals, as shown in the short story “Once Upon a Time” by Gordimer. The story shows that fear can be caused and be very stressful when it doesn’t have to be. In the story, Gordimer starts off with her in her house and she hears a noise. After this Gordimer explains “I was neither threatened nor spared. There was no human weight pressing on the boards…” Even after she knew she wasn’t in danger she still can't sleep because she is afraid. Society tells her that you …show more content…

In the essay “Rituals of Memory” by Bleaser a girl has a mixed heritage of Native American and German Catholic. Society typically believes the only things that matter are the things that are recorded. Bleaser says on page 24 of “Collections” line 108-110, “But for my other education, practical and spiritual, I have no grade or degrees, no certificates to commemorate the annual rituals.” This part of her life was very important to Bleaser and it shaped the person she was, but society wouldn't deem it important because there is not any official proof of what she did. Bleaser also expresses, on page 24, that she learned things such as hunting, fishing and daisy chains knowing that to others it wouldn't be the most important education she would have. Even though it wasn't important to society, it was still important to Bleaser, she says “I’m still thankful for those stolen moments,”. An important point that Bleaser brings out is “Indians can hold more than one thing sacred” and this applies to everyone. This goes to show that just because society says you must do one thing and be a certain way, doesn’t mean you have

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