
On-line Dangers Essay

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On-line Dangers

In this day and age of super high-speed networking and digital communications, just about anything on any subject can be found on the Internet. Some materials, such as online libraries are helpful, some, such as student’s personal homepages are fairly useless, and some sites, such as online medical references, can be lifesaving. All these sites have a right to be on the web. However, there are also sites that could be detrimental to people, such as pornography sites, pages detailing the manufacture of illegal drugs, and instructions on how to build high explosives and other illegal devices. With the number of these types increasing daily, parents and lawmakers alike are becoming concerned for the well being of the …show more content…

This type of direct meeting can ultimately result in the child’s death. Also, children may come across pornographic material in any one of the news groups. These news groups provide a public forum for the discussion of various topics. Several of the news groups are,, and Although there are bills providing penalties for the knowing transmission of indecent material to minors through a remote computer or other means, child pornography is still a major problem and threat in cyberspace

There are, however, some types of sites that have content that could be hazardous to the public in general, not just children, and have no place on public forums. One example of this type of site is the “Books for a Free People”. This site contains various books for download, including the “Big Book of Mischief”, which has details on how to build explosives, and the “Book of Fun”, which gives detailed instructions on how to do illegal things such as stealing HBO and eavesdropping on cellular telephone conversations. While these two acts are not physically dangerous, they are still illegal. However, the “Big Book of Mischief” has explicit instructions on how to manufacture such dangerous compounds as nitroglycerin.


Nitroglycerin is one of the most sensitive explosives, if it is not the most sensitive. Although it

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