
On What We Can Do To Improve His Living Arrangement, Getting

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on what we can do to improve his living arrangement, getting him acquainted with some coping skills, balance his work and school schedule and improve his relationship with his family.
I think group therapy would be good for Jose to offer relief, support and to build communication with other persons who might be having similar challenges as himself. It may also help to improve his social relationships.
Law and Ethics
As Jose therapist I would have a duty to do informed consent effectively. Informed consent covers a wide array of information that should be properly discussed with clients. According to Fisher & Oransky (2008 p.580) the Ethics Code requires therapist to inform patients of the nature and aspect of therapy that would reasonably …show more content…

7) if I think that it may be warranted. While there is no evidence at the moment that Jose is currently a danger to himself or others I feel that it is important to include it because depression is often a source of suicide/violence against others.
Treatment Plan As possibly Jose’s therapist, I don’t think that I know all there is to know about his culture, but I am aware of some important aspect. Because of this I feel that it would be wise to be willing to self-disclose minor personal information so that I can give Jose some assurance that I am aware of the cultural, gender, race and religious differences, but I am open to learn from him and I am willing to work with him and try to understand his point of view. I know that there are discriminations and stereotypes against Latinos, but being aware of my own possibly biases and values as Corey (2016) postulates will not impede but help the therapeutic process. However, if he feels that we cannot work together then I would try to refer him to someone who is of his cultural background.
I would first try to ensure rapport as this will help to build the therapeutic relationship. It is important to build a relationship than to solve a problem as stated by Krenawi & Graham (2000). Once the relationship is there it will be easier to try and solve the issues. . As Jose therapist I have a duty to do informed consent effectively. Informed consent covers a wide array of information that

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