
On Date Rape Camille Paglia Summary

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“On Date Rape” is an article by Camille Paglia, a professor of humanity and cultural critic. Paglia’s purpose is to inform the readers that her generation is the one that fought hard for feminism and social freedom for females. Also, she believes that her generation fully understood the risk of socializing with the opposite sex, while the current generation does not “acknowledge the risk” (2). According to Paglia, it is a woman’s fault that leads to date rape crimes because she believes that a woman should be mindful of the attitudes and signals they have towards the opposite sex. In reality, there are many contributing factors that can lead to date rape, and it is not simply caused by a female’s attitude or signals that they have. As a result, it is false to conclude that “it is women’s personal responsibility to be aware of the danger of the world” (2). Paglia’s argument is not strong enough to convince her readers because it contains so many fallacies. The three fallacies that make Paglia’s writing become invalid are slippery slope, hasty generalization and false analogy.
Firstly, slippery slope is a logical fallacy used when we believe that a particular behavior will lead to an unpleasant consequence. For example, in …show more content…

A false analogy occurs when an author compares and assumes two objects/ideas with one similarity will therefore have other similarities. Paglia compares a girl staying at a male friend’s room to “drive your car to New York City, do you leave your keys on the hood?” (4). Comparing a car to a woman’s body is not an appropriate comparison because a woman’s body is so much more valuable than a car. Also, it is not uncommon that a car got stolen, but raping is a very serious crime. Even though both of them are crime related, they should not be compared. Staying at a male friend’s room and driving to New York City with keys on the hood do not lead to similar

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