
Omniscient God Exist

Decent Essays

People wonder how an Omniscient God could allow such evil to take place in the world. When natural disasters strike and kill thousands of people and leave many more homeless, or when the dreaded cancer envelopes the nurturing mother of three kids and leaves the family grief stricken and in shambles; how could you muster up the faith to believe, No, there is a God. This has been at the root of all debates whether God exists or not. Atheists always pull this out of their sleeves when getting in heated arguments with theists about the existence of a God. “If He’s so Omnibenevolent, if He loves you so much, why does he make bad things happen?” The problem has been part of a lifelong argument. The problem of evil has left many theists running around like chickens with their heads cut off. It’s distressing for them to admit that either God allows evil or that He does not have all the Omnis. Evil exists, no doubt about it. The problem for a theist is, how do you prove the existence of an Omniscient God when such torment occurs in the world. How do you get them to see that it is a good thing? Can you? …show more content…

God is supposed to possess all the Omnis. And obviously he would not allow such evil and be Omnibenevolent. There goes one of the Omnis. Shouldn’t God be all powerful, therefore shouldn’t He be able to do away with evil? Well it’s here, it’s a problem, so maybe He can’t get rid of it. That would mean He’s not all powerful. God is already missing two Omnis as a result of evil. It is evident why an atheist would believe no God could exist despite the problem of evil. However, what if there is a reason beyond out comprehension as to why these bad things

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