
Omalu: Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

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Concussion is the true gripping story of one man’s decision to stand up to a multibillion-dollar business. Nigerian pathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu works at the coroner’s office in downtown Pittsburgh. Here he made a discovery in the body of one of the greatest football players ever to play the game, Mike Webster. He suffered a decline in his body and started to act very strange by living out his car and tasering himself till he was unconscious so he can go to sleep; he was only fifty years old. Omalu discovered that Webster had a disease caused by multiple blows to the head from his football career, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), which could affect everyone playing the game. Omalu felt that everyone should know of this and the harm …show more content…

They then proceeded to downgrade his work in front of full room of reporters. Omalu then moves to California to live with his wife and newborn child to work at another coroner’s office. This is when former NFL Players Association executive Dave Duerson commits suicide and leaves a note admitting that Omalu was right. The committee then allows Omalu to present all his findings to them and the NFL is forced to take concussions more seriously. Omalu was then offered a job as the chief medical examiner for the District of Columbia, but he turns it down to stay in California and continue working …show more content…

I love how much I got in too this book and could not put it down. The writer really captures the moments and draws you into the book. This book really opened up my eyes to what can happen to these football players that are always taking blows to the head. CTE can happen to anybody in any sport but it is mainly seen in football because the players take many hits to the head in their careers. It told the journey of a scientist trying to get this information out to the public, and all the difficulty that came with that. The book was told from the view of Dr. Bennet Omalu and what he went through with the NFL. It showed us how he was rejected multiple times and was discredited of his work. It told us about the disease that these former players were experiencing, and how it can eventually ruin their life. The writer was informing the audience on the dangers of being hit head too many times. The pain might go away in a week or so, but it is the long-term effects that are killing these players. The writer is educating the readers on these effects and that being hit in the head is no minor injury. It showed many instances of players killing themselves because of the multiple hits they took to the

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