
Oil Fracking Effects

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Oil fracking may seem to be a harmless uprising invention to the standard peer. However, when looking into the concerns and damaging effects from oil fracking, this invention may be more of an issue rather than a solution to retrieving oil. Scientists and researchers began to discover that oil fracking could lead to the release of dangerous chemicals that can be threatening to human life and the environment. CEO’s are also not providing sufficient information and warnings surrounding the oil fracking industry. Articles by Thompson, Perez-Pena, Christopherson, and Gerken, all express the concerns and supporting evidence of the damaging effects caused by oil fracking. Ultimately, fracking is a dangerous method to getting oil because the chemicals …show more content…

They are not disclosing the truthful information that may change people’s opinion on whether they would want fracking sites established near the communities they live in. In the article, “Introduction to Fracking: At Issue,” Thompson explains oil fracking CEO’s plan towards keeping their crucial information confidential: “ The exemption is known as the Halliburton loophole . . . vice president Dick Cheney, who was the former chief executive of Halliburton [invested in fracking]. Critics say that this loophole demonstrates that profits and politics, not safety and science, have driven the government’s oversight of the fracking industry”(Thompson). Seeing that, the government and CEO’s are being blinded by the profits, they will do anything to keep their information from being leaked, so that profits will continue to thrive. In addition, CEO’s are being protective about information on the chemical usage, and what substances are being injected into the pumps, and spreading towards water wells that people drink from: “Energy companies argue that disclosing their proprietary secrets would hurt their competitiveness . . . the industry has reluctantly embraced a voluntary fracking chemical disclosure registry online, but critics say it does not go far enough” (Thompson). The CEO of the fracking industry is focused on making sure that the chemical information isn’t universal to the public, so that some people will know about …show more content…

As researchers started to become aware of what fracking was doing to the environment, people, and water wells. In the article “Gov. Andrew Cuomo To Ban Fracking In New York State,” James Gerken explains how important it was for Governors to decide whether to apply fracking sites to their state or to avoid the contraption. In New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo had the decision to allow fracking or refrain from it. Cuomo gave the option to the state health and environmental official to decide if it’s worth using, “The officials said the potential health and environmental impacts are too great to allow fracking to proceed in the state at this time” (Gerken). This was the beginning towards fracking sites being banned. People started to become aware of the destructiveness of oil fracking and people’s opinions started to shift from supporting oil fracking to not wanting oil fracking. People started to protest the use and states started to ban fracking such as Maryland, New York, California, Colorado, Texas, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia,

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