
Offshoring: benefits & risks

Better Essays
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Human Resource Management, BBA440
September 17, 2013

Offshoring is the practice of relocating business processes to lower cost locations outside the country of origin. This is not a new practice for companies in the United States. Moving business processes to another country to take advantages of lower operating costs and cheap labor seems like a great idea. However, the dilemma for a company is whether the benefits of offshoring outweigh the risks. This dissertation will begin by briefly reviewing the history of offshoring. Next, it will examine the various advantages and disadvantages associated with offshoring. Thirdly, it will explore the growing trends of backshoring and nearshoring in situations where …show more content…

A final reason for the company to offshore part of their operations is access new markets. Since the company is not restricted to just the domestic market, offshoring gives the company global presence and the ability to access developing markets in Third World countries. By streamlining the company’s production processes and supply chains globally, companies can lower their prices increase demand for their products, thereby attracting new customers and entering new markets. While there are many benefits to offshoring, it does have some disadvantages. One of the disadvantages of offshoring is the cultural and communication challenges. “Different cultures have different communication styles, different attitudes toward conflict resolution and simply different ways of getting work done” (Green, 2007). In different cultures words can mean something different. For example, “yes” in the United States means “beyond a doubt”, but in Japan they say “yes” when they really mean “no,” since “no” is disrespectful to say to anyone. Even though people at the offshore location can speak and understand English, there are still instances when getting the message across becomes difficult. Hence, companies must invest time and money into training employees about the cultural of the country to which the company is offshoring in order to avoid embarrassment for both the employee as well as the company.

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