Doesn’t everyone love swimming in the ocean and seeing all the pretty sea life? Some people do, and when people are offshore drilling they can cause a lot of problems if something goes wrong. The biggest concern by environmentalist is not a spill, but the pollution of the air and water, damage to the ocean bottom and debris that washes ashore from day-to-day operations of oil and gas rigs. Oil Drilling can lead to jobs being endangered, animals dying, and damaging the eco system. So many animals are dying because of the oil in the water. Proofread to- Government wildlife experts have found just in Alaska that the BP oil spill has threatened more than 400 species including 34,000 birds, 656 sea turtles and 12 dolphins, and this count was …show more content…
Exposure to petroleum causes tissue damage in the eyes, mouth, skin and lungs of marine mammals. Because they are at the top of the food chain, many marine mammals will be exposed to the dangers of bioaccumulation of organic pollutants and metals. Expansion of offshore drilling activities would further threaten imperiled species like the manatee. Sea Turtles often nest on beaches. Collisions and noise disruptions are all potential threats to sea turtles. Hatchlings are also particularly susceptible to oiling because they spend much of their time near the water surface, where spilled oil or tar accumulates. (Boesch, DF and N.N. Rabalais (eds.) 2010.) Do to the oil spill U.S. wildlife experts are preparing to collect tens of thousands of endangered sea turtle eggs and move them hundreds of miles away in an unprecedented bid to protect them from the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Offshore oil drilling causes many changes to our climate change. It thickens the ocean and that makes it even harder for sea life animals to live in, and also for people to swim in. Also, when there is an oil spill fishermen cannot sail through it because of the possibility of the crude oil catching fire. The U.S. needs to look for ways to decrease petroleum consumption, not for ways to increase it. Offshore oil production involves environmental risks, most notably oil spills from oil tankers or pipelines transporting oil from the platform to onshore facilities, and from leaks
Pipelines and oil-drilling platforms will harm caribou, polar bears, and millions of migrating birds (Come on in.: 38). Whenever some country drills for oil it is more likely than not for that country to have an oil spill. Oil spills are deadly to animals, hard to clean up, and it takes the land thousands of years to recover. The United States has already had one major oil spill off the coast of Alaska in Prince William Sound. If another large oil spill occurred on the water it would have a substantial effect on whales and other marine wildlife (Experts say Alaska Oil Drilling Hurts Wildlife: 43). There are over 130 bird species that find breeding, nesting, or resting places on the coastal plain (Defenders of Wildlife).
Offshore drilling has become an essential part of today’s oil production and demand for energy. With the growth of population comes the increasing demand for oil. The oil industry today, is one of the most used providers of energy. Today in the 20th century the majority of the population in America has a car and cars needs gas to run. The oil reserves in the earth that are easily accessible via land are starting to run dry and are becoming harder to find. This is why we have begun to see more and more offshore oil drills. Although there are benefits of offshore drilling such as profit, lower gas prices, and becoming less dependent on foreign oil. There are also many drawbacks in which if something were to go wrong, the mistake would be catastrophic impacting the environment, the nature, and have trickling effects all around the world.
Offshore drilling is a topic of extreme debate and argument and one of the most debated parts of that is whether or not it benefits the economy in the U.S. One of the first things to note is that stopping offshore drilling could potentially damage the U.S. economy, and therefore how much energy we can overall use. According to Mason, Joseph R., author of, "The Oil Industry Supports Many Louisiana and Gulf Region Economies", we can see the statement, "the moratorium would produce broad economic losses within the Gulf and throughout the nation as a whole". We can gather, from this, that ceasing offshore drilling/offshore oil production, could potentially harm the U.S. economy, and as I said before the economy being damaged overall decides
Humans are a poisonous sludge, slowly poisoning ourselves and all other inhabitants. There are many ways we do this, offshore oil drilling being one of them. Offshore oil drilling is the process of drilling into the earth and pulling up petroleum, a natural fuel source made of decomposed organisms. While there are many positive effects, there are too many negative ones for oil drilling to continue. Offshore oil drilling is too dangerous to be considered safe for use in the ecosystem. Not only is it too dangerous, oil rigs are made in an environment many would deem too hazardous for settling any type of structure. Oil drilling kills many people each year and pollutes the marine environment, killing the oceans natural inhabitants.
Offshore oil drilling is a big contribution to obtaining oil for the U.S., but it is also a big controversy to continue offshore drilling or to stop the drilling. most of the world’s energy comes from the use of oil, even though there are other resources to use oil is the most commonly used, But there is a shortage in oil especially in the U.S. so they suggest drilling for oil in the ocean to reach unexplored oil wells. There are benefits in offshore oil drilling such as jobs, domestic fuel, and environmental benefits. Those that argue the U.S. should expand the offshore oil drilling believe that the benefits drilling brings will help the U.S. out of its foreign oil dependency. Although the side effects are have big impacts just like the benefits. The side effects include environmental risks, oil dependency, and whether or not there is enough oil. Offshore oil drilling is a subject not many know about, there is a lot of research that still needs to be done and a lot of research that still does not give positive conclusions. All in all I believe Energy Efficiency is the best solution to offshore drilling an example would be using electric cars, using solar, and wind power for electricity, and changing how we obtain energy altogether.
Environmentalists are one the biggest critics against the notion of increasing domestic oil drilling. By increasing the amount of drilling we do in the United States, we increase the risk of disasters like the Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Disasters are hardly the only source of economic damage either, to find oil reserves under the ocean, seismic waves are generated into the ground. These waves bounce off the ground back up to the ship, where computers and scientist can use the results to make educated guesses on whether or not oil is located under the surface. These seismic waves can wreak havoc with marine animals like whales; where in one case over 100 whales beached themselves to get away from the painful experience (Nixon). Using seismic waves does not even guarantee that oil might be located underneath the surface, the only way to tell is to actually drill into the potential finds causing even more destruction for what might be for no gain. Once oil is found and drilling has begun, the amount of damage done to the environment can become unimaginable. The recent example is that of the Deepwater
To explain the adverse effects of oil exposure to sea turtles, we first must know how the sea turtles were exposed, how many were exposed, and to what extent. The DWH spill impacted all five of these sea turtle species through three primary pathways; ingestion, absorption, and inhalation. Ingestion is where turtles swallow oil particles directly or consume prey that have been exposed to oil. Sea turtles could have also ingested some of the chemical dispersants that were added to the GOM. Ingestion of oil may result in bleeding, gastrointestinal inflammation, diarrhea, ulcers, etc. Absorption is when sea turtles come into direct contact with the oil. This absorption through the skin can impede locomotion and diving ability; decreased ability
Oil drilling is a phenomenon that’s been since the late 1850’s, and makes the oil as cheap as fifty dollars a barrel for consumers all around the world. Oil drilling first began in 1859 when George Bissell and Edwin L. made the first successful drilling rig on a well in Titusville, Pennsylvania. Offshore drilling began in the late 1800’s and by 1897 the first offshore well was producing oil. When citizens think of offshore drilling the first thing that usually comes into mind is the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill that began on April 20, 2010. It killed 11 workers, and at least four species of marine animals were killed off from its effects (Offshore Drilling). Offshore drilling is a hazardous way to mine oil, and even though it may seem to
As offshore drilling was a new industry, regulations had to develop at the same time the industry developed. Unfortunately regulations were usually enacted and enforced after accidents had already occurred. Analyzing the development of the offshore oil industry in comparison to the process of regulating its operations will show the international, national, and local processes involved in attempting to balance the economic benefits with the environmental risks involved. An applicable example for showing the relationship between the environment and the economy created by the offshore oil industry is the drilling operations in the Gulf of Mexico.
There are many reasons as to why offshore oil drilling is a good thing. Firstly, offshore oil drilling is good because it is an energy source throughout the world. In addition, oil is a necessity in which people use in their everyday lives. Oil is directly responsible for about 2.5% of the world’s GDP (gross domestic product), but accounts for one third of humanity’s primary energy supply. Including natural gas, oil would account for over half of humanities primary energy supply ( For example, oil/gas
Oil spills usually occur as temporary accidents, while pollution from trucks happens every day. Therefore, offshore drilling does not contaminate the water as badly as the United States thinks.
For instance, Rufe, who is a scientist, states that we have not developed an approach that can clean more than 3 to 5 percent of the spilled oil” (Mufson, 2012). Furthermore, In the Gulf of Mexico, although 205.8 million gallons of oil have been spilled, just 51.8 million gallons have been collected, which equals approximately 25 percent. Moreover, in order to clean the Gulf from the oil spills almost 2 million gallons of toxic dispersants were used. Unfortunately, the toxic dispersants did not truly purify the spilled oil, but fractured them into tinier particles. As a consequence, that may make the oil more harmful for some ocean animals and plants ( A Center for Biological Diversity Report, 2008). However, with the increasing of offshore oil drilling accidents, and with no solution to solve the problem efficiently. The hazardous impact is not going to affect only on animals and plants. It might affect people who depend on the polluted area for food, ecological enrichment, and entertainment ( A Center for Biological Diversity Report,
Is offshore drilling a risk for environmental destruction? The subject oil and gas as energy resources needs to be analyzed with different option on which way to go on drilling offshore in the US. There could be away chosen onto the right solution where we see the positive, negative and the compromise on this question. The past show catastrophic consequences with the BP Oil Company’s pipeline, where they spilled millions of tons of oil into the deep sea waters. Offshore drilling could provide America with significant economic geopolitical gains. Oil Imports from America versus nationalized oil producing countries, the OCS calculates oil and natural gas drills, so fare could create nearly 100.000 and more jobs
One of the main issues of offshore drilling is the damaging effect that it has on our environment. “Something that many people do not know is that when oil is drilled from the ocean floor, oil is not the only thing that comes up. Mercury, arsenic, and lead are also brought up and are let back into the waters of the ocean” (Negative Effects of Offshore Drilling). At first glance, people may think that offshore drilling is just the drilling into the ocean floor to get petroleum. However, the actual process creates various complications that may lead to amplified and widespread negative effects. This is a serious problem to the sea life that inhabits those waters because all three of those chemicals can be very deadly. With bio-magnification, the ppm count these chemicals can reach high concentrations in large
Oil spills can impact the environment greatly. Since the oil boats are on the ocean if the break and start to leak it goes into the ocean where it can harm the ocean and those that make their home in it. “That spill caused an immediate and significant impact to the ecosystem, with sightings of birds and turtles washed up on beaches covered with oil, as well as an increase in the deaths of other marine life” (Sinclair, 2017). The oil spill in 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico was the biggest since Deepwater Horizon. It caused harm to the ecosystem around it because technology came in so it could pump oil out of the ground under the ocean. There is no way to know the impact that oil spill and really every oil spill has had on the marine ecosystem.