Honduras Columbus explored Honduras in 1502. Spain had control over Honduras until 1821, which is when they declared their independence. Honduras and four other Central American nations formed a federation of states. It was not until 1838 Honduras became completely independent by separating from the federation. While Honduras was under Spain’s control, education was associated with the Roman Catholic Church. The students who attended school in Honduras typically came from higher social classes. In the late 19th century Honduras was not associated with the Roman Catholic Church and became non denominational in their school systems. Catholic schools still existed, but were not present in public schools. The Sectorial Plan of Education was from 1994-1997, which was created to form a new Honduran type. They were focused on creating a new society. As a result of the plan they created a new society called the Morazanican School.The education system was greatly affected by Hurricane Mitch. This natural disaster was one of the deadliest, which resulted in many buildings being destroyed. As a result of Hurricane Mitch the Honduran government began to rethink their education system. In 1998 a new system was created called “The Proposal of the Honduran Civil Society for the Educative Transformation.”
In 2004 Honduran President Ricardo Maduro made an attempt to change the education system. Even if they were to make changes to their education system it would take a minimum of 23
Salvador was founded in 1549 by Portuguese and became the most popular colonial capital in the Americas. The city has always been one of the largest in the country due to
The country’s history begins when the Maya Empire first colonized the area and flourished until about AD 800. (www.culturegrams.com) One of their greatest accomplishments in Honduras was the city of Copan, a city that was abandoned by the Maya people, and eventually became a colonist magnet for the area when imperialism in Spain took off. Honduras was first inhabited by Spaniards after Christopher Columbus landed on the Northern Coast of Honduras under the control of the Spanish King and Queen in 1592. Explorers such as Henry Cortez and Cristóbal de Olid explored the country and formed colonies. (nationsonline.com) Around this time imperialism began to affect the native people already there. The formation
Honduras is a small country found in the southern tip of Central America. Honduras distributes many things to America such as bananas and coffee. Honduras import most of their export to America. Many things there are different than it is in the US or other parts of the world. The food typically is not heard of here, traditional clothing various but often will not be sold in most parts in the US and the education is not the same. The small country’s physical processes are also very different.
On December 20, 1860, just a little over a month after the election of Abraham Lincoln, South Carolina seceded the union. Becoming the first state ever to do so, and this action set the example for similar results to happen in fellow slave holding states; throughout the beginning of 1861. Although South Carolina had come very close to secession before, first during the nullification crisis of 1832, and again at the State Convention of 1852, it would ultimately come to a breaking point after the of Election of 1860. Though the full severity of this movement was played down at first in Northern newspapers at first, the real gravity of the situation would soon be felt throughout the Union. This election became the last straw in a series of
Although bureaucracy’s have a significant amount of power over the United States most important decisions and laws they cannot always execute or perform certain actions. Two particular forces who oversee and control bureaucratic agencies are congress and the president who is part of the executive branch. Both congress and the president are constantly competing for agency control (Lecture 7 10/24/16). They both have their own individual and unique sets of strategies they use such as using congressional control, appropriations process, privatization, executive order and management of agency budget in order to seize complete command. The main goal of these two means of control are to ultimately limit the discretion of bureaucrats and to also if possible shrink the size and number of bureaucracies.
“Today, education is perhaps the most important function of state and local governments. Compulsory school attendance laws and the great expenditures for education both demonstrate our recognition of the most importance of education to our democratic society. It is required in the performance of our most basic public responsibilities. It is the very foundation of good citizenship. Today it is a principal instrument in awakening the child to cultural values, in preparing him for later professional training, and in helping him to adjust to his environment. In these days, it is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunities of an
One of the first countries to achieve independence in Latin America was Haiti. Haiti gained its independence from France in 1804. Haiti's
In 1787 our founding fathers believed that that the general population was not educated enough to select the president of the United State (Bronson, K and Dove, L 2015). This was one of the concerns our founders had when the wrote the Article II, section 1 of our constitution which laid out the framework for the electoral college process that we use still to this day. An article by Bronson, and. Dove” stated that the Electoral College provided security to concerns that the governing people had in this era of our nation’s history to ensure a viable election process, such as the unlikelihood that a candidate would have a national presence amongst the general public.”(2015). Due to the vast geographic distances candidates would not be able to appeal their platforms to the people since there was no televisions or radios throughout the country. The founding fathers even feared that the more populous states would force their influence on the less populate states making the popular voting process not viable to receive the true will of the people(Bronson,K and Dove, L page 1, para 2). These concerns where ligament in that society and era of our nation’s history and the Electoral College process gave security. With key transformations that have accord in our society, such concerns are less prominent. The Electoral College Process no longer protects us from concerns of the past, but directly effects new problems in our current society The Electoral College denies the will of the
One of the chief principle roles of the President of the United States is as Chief Executive. As Chief Executive, it is the president 's duty to "faithfully executive the laws" that are passed by Congress. The way the president accomplishes this is through the bureaucracy, which is broken down into the four types of bureaucracy. These types are Cabinet Departments (Department of State), Independent Executive Agency (Central Intelligence Agency), Independent Regulatory Agencies (The Office of Personal Management), and Government Corporations (AMTRAK). As well Presidential Commissions such as the 9/11 Commission in 2001 would also count as a special type of bureaucracy. The bureaucracy is the largest portion of government, with nearly 2.8 million employees, though even as Chief of Executive the president only has direct control over about 3,000 bureaucrats. Therefore, the president actually doesn 't possess that power over the functions of this area.
1) The President of the United States is certainly one the most powerful people in the free world, but interestingly, the Constitution 's drafters did not expect this to be the case. Constitutional provisions limited the early presidency. James Madison, the "Father of the Constitution”, was worried that the "power balance" tilted toward the House of Representatives. Madison believed that its control in terms of taxes and spending and its ability to legislate laws that narrowed the powers of the executive and the judiciary made the legislative branch the real center of national power.
For some people, it is difficult to understand how the United States government is laid out, what the three branches of the government are, or how they are different from one another. Those people may not understand how each branch keeps one another in line or how their duties are divided. Each branch has its own individual set of responsibilities and duties to make sure the government is run precisely and that the rights of the citizens are respected. Learning about the three branches further beckons to discuss the separation of powers as well as implied and inherent powers. These powers may also be difficult or impossible to understand when reading about them in legal terms, or on government information. This misunderstanding can lead
Rand Paul, the son of famous libertarian Ron Paul presidential candidate, and Kentucky senator began running for the position of president of the United States of America, on April 7th 2015 under the Republican Party. He ran under the slogan Defeat the Washington machine. Unleash the American dream, and promised to be a non-establishment Republican president. Rand Pal is by far the best candidate for the presidency in all fields, but most specifically, for our economy, our foreign affairs, and our rights and liberties.
In every presidential election, political debates occur with the political party’s main candidate where they offer their views on running the country then citizens decide who should be the president of the United States. In 1984, President Ronald Reagan and Walter Mondale participated in their second debate against each other. Four panelists on the topic of defense and foreign policy issues would prompt the two candidates to certain issues of their concern. Some issues in the dispute that were discussed were over the Soviet Union, use of military force, and illegal immigration. Certain procedures are done during the debate as the candidates only have a certain amount of time to answer the prompt and the second candidate gets the same amount of time to rebuttal the argument. Ronald Reagan proposes his ideologies to the panelist and all of the United States in the debate, on how the president will address the issue of illegal immigration the best way, through his perspective and current knowledge by using ethos, pathos, and logos all concurrently and effectively.
The United States federal government has one of the toughest jobs in the country. They are employed to rectify issues that seem to have no unblemished, concise answer. They have no way of making every one of the “320, 477, 300” American citizens satisfied, but that is exactly what their occupation entails (United States). The federal government officials are elected by those very citizens to accurately represent the multitude of voices in Congress and act accordingly. Is that even possible?
Nevada is one of nineteen states that still functions under their original constitution. Since state governments offer more services than the Federal Government, it is typically the norm for state constitutions to be lengthier than the United States Constitution. In the state of Nevada, the Constitution identifies the highest state official as the Governor who is in charge of the state executive branch. At the Federal level, the United States Constitution stipulates the President of the United States is elected to the highest office as leader of the nation’s Executive Branch; however, the President’s power is limited within individual states. Nevada, similar to all other states, has state specific laws. The Governor is responsible for