
Oedipus Rex Research Paper

Decent Essays

Oedipus Rex
Oedipus Rex is one of the most well written plays. Oedipus Rex has a tragic flaw which leads to his destruction. Oedipus’ flaw leads him to suffer and arouses Pity and Fear from the crowd; Scared that it could happen to them. The Unity of Plot has a beginning, middle and end, along with that Oedipus grows in knowledge about his birthing, but is ignorant for not realizing he brought the problems on Thebes. Oedipus is a confident, wise and strong-willed character, but these characteristics will bring him to destruction. Oedipus’s destruction was tough for him to cope with, but his arrogance was too much for him. The choice he made for handling his situation was not very wise which changed his life. Oedipus Rex is a Greek …show more content…

Aristotle Stated that Thought is the power of saying whatever can be said, or what is appropriate to the occasion; Is shown in all they say when proving or disproving some particular point “Speak out to everyone. The grief I feel for these citizens is even greater than any pain I feel for my own life”(Sophocles 6). Oedipus is naive, stubborn and arrogant of the situation he believes it has nothing to do with him. Aristotle stated that Diction is The expression of their thoughts in words. “ I can see you that you’ve become unbalanced” (Sophocles ). The way that Creon says this phrase shows diction his tone is very condescending. Oedipus blinds himself because he feels he has nothing good to look at. The symbolism in Oedipus being blind carries out throughout the play.
Aristotle stated that suffering is the main part of a tragedy. “The third part is suffering which we may define as an action of destructive or painful nature” (Aristotle 96). Suffering cannot be mental, it must be physical, like a wounding or a death. “She was hanging their, swaying, with twisted cords around roped around her neck”(Sophocles 61). Jocasta hangs herself after finding out the truth about her and Oedipus’s relationship. Oedipus finds out about Jocasta being his mother, and Jocasta was embarrassed. “ Laius was killed. And now the God is clear: those murders, he tells us, must be punished, whoever they may be”(Sophocles 7. Laius was killed by Oedipus which brought a

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