
What Is The Relationship Between Odysseus And His Men

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Book 10
The cyclops and their wrath turned out to be a bigger problem for Odysseus and his men than they thought, as Poseidon, the God of the seas was their father. Luckily, the managed to get out of there safely at the end of book nine. Now, a new adventure awaited the home-sick shipmates. First, they landed on the island of Aeolus, where they stayed for a month. They had no way to get home after this, but this was quickly solved because at the end, Aeolus extended his hospitality and gave Odysseus and his men a two bags of winds: one in the westward direction, which would lead them to Ithaca, and the other a bag of stormy winds. As the men saw their home in the horizon, they carelessly and stubbornly opened the bag with the vile winds thinking …show more content…

Eurylochus went to tell Odysseus about the problem, begging him to go. He does not of course, and, as he goes to save them, a solution to his problem appeared in thin air. The god Hermes, in the form of a man, gave Odysseus some herbs that would help him resist Circe’s power. He was also warned that the witch had to swear to not play any more tricks on the men. When he went to her palace, Circe tried to turn Odysseus into an animal, but, after this did not work, she turned the hogs back into men. Here, another problem arose. The men were put into a trance and Odysseus most likely became her lover, and this allowed for the men to stay one more year in the island. The only solution that seemed to work was begging. She lets them go, but she says that they must first visit Hades and the land of the dead and hear a life-changing prophecy. This plays into steps six and seven of the Hero’s Journey. Odysseus makes an allie of Hermes and Circe at the end of the book, and is tested for one year until he decides to leave and continue his journey home. It also has to do with step seven because Odysseus and his men were never faced with the wrath of a god or a which before. He is charmed by a woman who is not his wife, and he sees his men

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