
Odyssey Archetype Essay

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Much information about Ancient Greek culture and what they valued morally can be gained from Homer’s epic,The Odyssey. The Odyssey has a variety of different archetypes that are still relevant in modern times. The legend of Odyssey has been passed down from poet to poet for five hundred years until finally Homer wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey down somewhere between eight hundred fifty and seven hundred fifty B.C. In Homer’s epic there are three archetypes that provide insights to Ancient Greek civilizations and their morals. These are the hero archetype, the monster or villain archetype, and the hero's journey archetype. Each archetype provides an example of what was moral,heroic,and frightening. Odysseus was considered a hero among the people in Ancient Greek times. One strong archetype in the Odyssey is the hero archetype. “The archetype of heroism allows an individual to serve as the primary example of what society deems as valuable and moral.”(Harris 2) Ancient Greek civilizations valued strength, loyalty, wisdom, and ingenuity. This is made known to the reader because the hero Odysseus has all of these traits. Odysseus used his knowledge, strength, and ingenuity to his advantage in everything he did.Another example of the hero archetype in the Odyssey is “nine days I drifted in open sea.”(Homer 989) Odysseus was able to survive nine days with no food,most humans can survive for five to seven days without food or water. He was also able to hang from a tree for a full

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