
Odysseus Of Homer's Odyssey

Satisfactory Essays

The story starts off with Odysseus the king of Ithaca fighting and winning the Trojan war. After 10 years at war he starts his journey to Ithaca, on the way there his crew is killed and loses all his ships he survives our of his intelligence and cunning skills. Back at Ithaca everyone believes that he is Odysseus is dead so all the nobles from nearby islands try to get the wife of Odysseus to rule the kingdom. Telemachus Odysseus son finds out that Odysseus is not dead from Athena. So Athena tells Telemachus to go to the kingdoms that fought with his father in the Trojan war and find clues to were he is. Telemachus finds out that hes father is not dead and is stuck on a island and Telemachus gets a crew together and goes out to save his father and kingdom. …show more content…

He also does not show fear and shows the intelligence that his father has. The story did keep me guessing wondering if they could help out Odysseus and if they could save his kingdom. My favorite part in the book would have to be the when Odysseus goes through Scylla cave and at the end almost die to Charybdis, this would have to be my favorite part because Scylla is a cool character she is a six headed dog monster and when they survive Charybdis a giant mouth monster that makes whirlpools when he is opens his mouth is amazing to imagine what that would look like. Some scenes were written well and some not, one scene that I didn't understand was when Odysseus finds the Cyclops and takes out his eyes and steals his goats. The book got me exited and wanting

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