
Oculist Sign In The Great Gatsby

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It is weird to think that someone is constantly watching you, but in most cases it is true. A theme of the book The Great Gatsby is someone is always watching. Throughout the book many incidents happen where the characters expect no one to be watching but in reality someone is. In the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald uses symbolism through the oculist sign and the owl-eyed man to help define the theme. On the oculist sign "The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic" (27). The oculist sign first appears in chapter two when Tom is bringing Nick to meet his mistress. Looking over the city the sign lays watching everything that happens. It contributes to the theme of someone is always watching by being the sign that is in the city Toms mistress lives in. Even if Tom tries to hide his mistress someone is watching. The night Daisy hit Myrtle in Gatsby's car someone was watching even though Daisy and Gatsby thought different. …show more content…

He pays close attention to the little things. Even though in Gatsby's library when Daisy and Nick thought it was drivel coming out of the owl-eyed mans mouth he was on to something. "Absolutely real-have pages and everything" (50). People talk about Gatsby being wealthy so the owl-eyed man expected fake books that have a secret door and lead to something marvelous. The owl-eye man is also sneaky. He watches Gatsby and knows that most people were not invited to Gatsby party but just came anyways. At the funeral of Gatsby the owl-eyed man feels pity for Gatsby because he has been watching who goes to Gatsby's and who shows up at Gatsby's

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